Avain - Viedaeae Baekkii Lyrics

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Artist: Avain
Song Title: Viedaeae Baekkii
Visits: 753
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so - thin line between love and hate
liikaa todisteit rapin kuolemast but wait
writterit takas Pasilaan sek? Puluun
takas siihen ku ei tajunnu miten nopee aika kuluu
apuu kysy jos p??s ei pystys pysy
jos tahdot pelk?st??n dissaa ja biiffii ni sh shh
vinyyli instrusettii, ulos eka setti
muistat s? ku joskus 2.50 makso d?s?chetti

we're sick of that chit chat so skip that (let it go)
we're killing the beef, fulfillin our dreams
let's keep the spliff fat, then past that
then fast fast rap makes cats laugh
and havin blast wit' your pants
hangin out put on your ass?
and not havin' class that was the point
now they're missing the point
but listen we don't disappoint with this joint
we gon' set it straight
I used to hesitate but no more
REdrama makes sure that hip hop got a better faith in store

let's bring it back kaikki mit? oli ennen
'cause they try to bring hiphop to an end and
we don't let them, annan t?lle koko hengen
like in the beginning, luulit s? sen jo ohi menneen?
let's bring it back kaikki mit? oli ennen
'cause they try to bring hiphop to an end and
so bring it back, vied?? b?kkii
bring it back, vied?? b?kkii, bring it back
vied?? b?kkii, bring it back, b?kkii

[Avain & REdrama]
on se leimii, buffataan seinii
et muka voi r?pp?? jos kaulas ei oo zip-chainii
we ain't playin' G, we ain't got time for no shit
aaight olkaa pelimiehii, m? oon niinku coachi

hey yo, we're still broken, we're still smokin
we will open the gates and bust through, telling everyone plus you
that there's much too much bullshit going on
and such and such a good thing I got my hand in a flush

r?pp??m?l valistaa, kulttuurii vahvistaa
rasistei sistaa, alistaa, saalistaa
la resistance, mun sosialisteille tarmoo
hiphop yhdist?? niinku vapaus, veljeys, tasa-arvoo
el?m? filosofian kanssa, just three words
saa muut huutaa aina Azaa, just like me girls
onneks new-school breikkarit forttaa old-school adduu
me fiilistell??n klassikoit ja vedet?? Bob Marley spadduu

bring it back kaikki mit? oli ennen
'cause they try to bring hiphop to an end and
we don't let them, annan t?lle koko hengen
like in the beginning, luulit s? sen jo ohi menneen?
let's bring it back kaikki mit? oli ennen
'cause they try to bring hiphop to an end and
so bring it back, vied?? b?kkii
bring it back, vied?? b?kkii, bring it back
vied?? b?kkii, bring it back, b?kkii

[REdrama & Avain]
we told you in Oulu
Tampereelle huikkaa
get drunk like you're supposed to
jointit palaa Tuikkaa
I know Turku can flow too
Helsingis jo huippaa
and everywhere we go to

oh oo

kadun sata prossaa, sitten kyn? k?teen
skriivaan papereille mit? silm?ni siell? n?kee
sprayaan croosei, maksan omii duussei
niinku fat maalas ennen bad time movesei

bring it back running from the police
with bag full of air back in days
when the cats didn't care
I am still here, still got that little kid inside of me
I write what I see and all I ever tried to be

let's bring it back kaikki mit? oli ennen
'cause they try to bring hiphop to an end and
we don't let them, annan t?lle koko hengen
like in the beginning, luulit s? sen jo ohi menneen?
let's bring it back kaikki mit? oli ennen
'cause they try to bring hiphop to an end and
so bring it back, vied?? b?kkii
bring it back, vied?? b?kkii, bring it back
vied?? b?kkii, bring it back, b?kkii

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