Avec Tristesse - Angel After Dark Lyrics

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Artist: Avec Tristesse
Avec Tristesse Author
Song Title: Angel After Dark
Genre: Rock
Visits: 765
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I've lost all of my hope
You can't say that I haven't tried
I still feel your love
This must be all that I've got

I've learnt so much with you
I know how I'm gonna take it
Please don't leave me now
Hear me, stay a little longer

After dark you're close to me
You are an angel as I can see
Another day by your side
Is enough for me to die in peace

I live in sadness
You are the dark

I live in sadness
You are my darkness
I see you before I die

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Other Avec Tristesse song Lyrics
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    Our lips entwine in crimson wine.
    I wake up in the morning..."
  • The Crown Of Uncreation
    "Hear you softly.
    Growing lies cold as ice.
    Treachery true to me.
    Heinous child that here dies...."
  • In Vain I Cry
    "I seek the unknown lands,
    Aware that he is close
    And though he steals my breath,
    I'll make him die alone and cold...."
  • Paean
    "The reign of earth will end here utterly
    And by the eye of Ra behold its final doom.
    The nightless sky burns home and field,
    As some try desperately to flee into the moon...."
  • All Love Is Gone
    "Late at night I close my eyes
    Alas! The lighten candle dies
    I feel the presence of the dark
    I strive my thoughts away from you..."
  • A View Of The End
    "You left me without strength before I rose
    Entering the gates of loneliness
    You saw me in disgrace
    You carried away all my laughter..."
  • Escapism
    "A mortal sign ascends from time to time
    Unto every man that succumbs to deep temptations
    On the verge of triumph the poet hesitates and fades
    Too much emotions cling to tragic lullabies..."
  • Through My Eyes
    "I never thought one so lonely as though,
    Amidst the ever repeating sunset play,
    Gaze through my eyes and into my thoughts.
    Your dark eyes darken with the deepest clouds...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "How Innocence Dies" album, click "Avec Tristesse Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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