Avenged Sevenfold - Desecrate Through Reverance Lyrics

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Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold Author
Song Title: Desecrate Through Reverance
Visits: 732
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Hard news, taken harder, don't look to me
Disappointed, we don't agree, I don't need your praise...
(don't look my way for help,
from the beginning you came to me)
Never asked you to like me,
I don't want your praise (we won't play your games)
Look down on me, spit in my face,
you're nothing to me:not to me

Darkened eyes you'll see,
there is no hope, no savior in me
(don't look this way, don't breathe this way,
don't stare this way, anymore)
Learned from years gone by, no one will care,
what happens to me
(don't look this way, don't breathe this way,
don't stare this way, anymore)

My presence won't be ignored, no not today
Don't walk in my direction, turn the other way
(don't look my way for help,
from the beginning you came to me)
Asking questions, predetermined answers,
you won't find them here (we don't want your opinion)
And I don't want you, I won't let you think,
compromise is near. 'Cause it's not near.

I'm alone in here
No more feelings
Killed my fears
Don't ask
you'll never know
you're left behind and I'll be exposed

Far away, you keep on trying...
Holding me down, breaking away,
trying to distance my life.
Not one in the crowd, but one with the answer
the one that could change your mind

But it's not true, I don't know you
Don't waste your time, and don't waste mine
I'm not your friend, I won't soothe your soul
And in the end you're all dead to me....

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Other Avenged Sevenfold song Lyrics
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  • Darkness Surrounding
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  • The Art Of Subconscious Illusion
    "A living nightmare, asleep but still aware.
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    The painless pleasure.
    I grasp myself...."
  • We Come Out At Night
    "Black and gray clouds willow in the balance as the sun falls.
    Rain plays a heart warming tune, on the pavement.
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    A feeling of warmness, compassion, fullness, I feel at home...."
  • Lips Of Deceit
    "The mark I breathe on you.
    Its burning through your soul.
    The breath I waste.
    Losing control...."
  • Warmness On The Soul
    "Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make.
    And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.
    I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.
    You're the one, and in you I confide...."
  • An Epic Of Time Wasted
    "So much time I've wasted.
    I can truly say I never thought it would come to this.
    Never would I doubt you, but the truth kept smacking me in the face.
    Reality. You never stopped to think and you ripped us apart...."
  • Breaking Their Hold
    "When you see them coming in form.
    And they say they do what's best for you.
    Fighting for one total control.
    They are planned and organized for you...."

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