Aventura - Waste My Time Lyrics

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Artist: Aventura
Aventura Author
Song Title: Waste My Time
Visits: 857
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we dancing, we drinking, relaxing waz up but please dont
waste my time and i dont wanna make u cry
but please dont waste my time

we kissing,we humpin lets doit tonight but please dont waste my time
and ill be gentle sweet and nice
but please dont waste my time

don even front cause i just wanna give you love make
it exception you kno ma styles profecction
when night seccion thats what im expecting so
dont get surprised when i roll your eyes
when i tell lets get crazy hop in the ride
is no men ,no wife just plans for tonight
and if you doin what we doin imma get real tight
SHIT i aint tryin to go thru no novela
i just want acutie with a booty screamin out wepa
we r proud i had a tud i love it
forget what they say you are mad xigente
you kno i got the words,gitano el presidente
no rules just me and ma crew tie holes and 8 tules
we rolling big trucks cause ya"all cumin wit us
great plan this is the adventure
that is more than enough plesure
now feal the presure

we dancing, we drinking, relaxingwaz up but please dont
waste my time and i dont wanna make u cry
but please dont waste my time

we kissing,we humpin lets doit tonight but please dont waste my time
and ill be gentle sweet and nice
but please dont waste my time

sigo siendo el mismo romeo muy sensitivo muy sentimental
pero esta noche cambiemos romance a un chin de frescura te kiero perriar

(yeah)so excuse me if im cumin on to strong
but we aint got no time so gotta get ma groove oncumon you kno we how we been pegao for to long
and if you hear and you don't wanna get down then u wrong
we here to will out what the hell got about
no autographs and pictures i just wanna getwit cha
take u to the telly wit me and rome to split cha
when the dream cum thruo or ratter you how
we do boy is she you or me telling to the truth
get mined im fellin you let me take it back
no fakes and jacks everybody gives down when they rolling wit mack
i dont play that SHIT cause i let chu kno from the begining
what chu getting in i say againg
make it wit mine cause a rome has to take to take the next
chic online so let me kno

we dancing, we drinking, relaxingwaz up but please dont
waste my time and i dont wanna make u cry
but please dont waste my time

we kissing,we humpin lets doit tonight but please dont waste my time
and ill be gentle sweet and nice
but please dont waste my time

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