Averi - For Better Or Worse Lyrics

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Artist: Averi
Song Title: For Better Or Worse
Visits: 702
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The person I was could go by another name
He?s a stranger to me now
Amazing the difference a few years will make
You don?t realize you?ve lost yourself until you turn around
I keep coming back here to this place
Where it?s lonely and cold here without you
I can?t change things,
I can?t change anything
But if I could, maybe I would
And maybe that?s wrong

But this is me now
For better or worse
The person I was is now just someone that you?ve heard of
I?ve been taking it all
And no matter how rehearsed
You end up with the days that they say you?re supposed to learn from.

I?m sorry for all these things I?ve passed to you
I remember thinking I was invincible to them all
But they say there are a lot of these things that everybody goes through
And I thought I was different
But I?ve learned that I?m not
I keep coming back here to this place
Where it?s lonely and cold here without you
I can?t change things,
I can?t change anything
But if I could, maybe I would
And maybe that?s wrong

But this is me now
For better or worse
The person I was is now just someone that you?ve heard of
I?ve been taking it all
And no matter how rehearsed
You end up with the days that they say you?re supposed to learn from.

Did we learn at all from what we were taught
And after all this time?

This is me now?

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  • Empty Pages
    "There?s nothing worse than a life
    Filled with empty pages
    Laid to rest with a pen that I could never use to write with
    And there?s things I can?t change..."
  • Everybody Wants To Rule The World ( Tears For Fear
    "Welcome to your life
    There's no turning back
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    We will find you..."
  • Everything With You
    "I don?t want to be relentless
    Tell you what I think to force this
    Cause I?ve seen something here I think is worth saving
    But you?ve found somebody else..."

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