Avernus - Sickening Revels Lyrics

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Artist: Avernus
Avernus Author
Song Title: Sickening Revels
Visits: 709
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Dark Shapes approach my eyes, no human form discernable
Erotic in their deformity, I tremble with lust at what is to come
The scents of lavender and blood lie at your throat
Pale and slender, awaiting razor-edged kisses
Shedding limbs in the ecstacy of your ardor
Skin peeled back to expose the beauty of raw muscle

Consumed by my desires...
Obsessed by sickening revels...

Dance with me beyond the veils
Where pain and pleasure blend as one
I opened the door to macabre delights
Now I am bound helpless to the hunger for flesh
A tapestry of morbid desire
Eros looks on with a blind and jaundiced eye
Bleeding cunt reduced to slashed and gaping maw
Carve in her new vertical smile
The old and the young all join us
Penetrate screaming infants ripping virgin orifice
The extreme of fleshly desire
That I have forsaken morality to achieve
"I'm showing you my love..you stupid worthless bitch!"
Posthumous coitus copulation with carnage
Moonlight lies placid on the dull gleam of bloodied bone
Delicate pink coils of intestine hanging
Pendulous, between her breasts
Her lovely and pallid contenance offers up to me the thorax's delights
Lips ground from her face betwixt our teeth
I raise her perfect and screaming mouth to my own
Copulating with feminine viscera
The parts are greater than the sum of the whole

Acts of pleasure with expressions of pain....

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Other Avernus song Lyrics
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    And I left my soul, where the sleeping shadows lie...and I find my soul where forgotten shadows die
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  • The Faustian Heart
    "So beautiful is your naivete...
    I'll break your fucking wings!
    The breast of fruitful dreams, be pierced and let them bleed..."
  • Anastasia
    "My heart once fell in decadence, for my all I've been alone
    Until the night brought life unto the dead, and her name was mine, unknown
    She wore the awe of moonlight, her haunting air, I breathed in deep
    At night we danced in the silhouette - of eternity......"
  • Ashes Of Adoration
    "Your name sang a most elegant choir...
    The sound of angels, how I wish it's possession
    Your arms, an ocean, that I'd drown in
    Love's a soul, enchanting, yet so forlorn..."
  • Godlessness
    "kiss the blood off your hands, i know its mine, i feel it seething
    deny me your rapture, don't let me die alone
    killed by the dagger of your rejection...born godlessness is pure godlessness
    pure godlessness, alone such as this......"
  • Disappear
    "coil broken...perchance to leave a soul, perchance to sleep
    when i awakened i found it, it was lying next to me
    i feel it crawling, under my skin it's trying to break me
    i feel no more pain, tears dried before they hit my eyes..."
  • Silver And Black
    "nothing more i've wanted, i was so naive
    nothing more to pray for, now i have belief
    a curse of silence, i couldn't undo
    my only reason to live, it died with you......"
  • A Delicate Tracery Of Red
    "The imperfections of earthly beauty mean nothing to me as I am swallowed by my art
    Posthumous, and thus greater will be your beauty
    I will expose the masterpiece within your reviled form
    A delicate tracery of red......"

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