Avid Merrion - Proper Crimbo (Selecta) Lyrics
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Proper Crimbo (Selecta) Song Lyrics
Avid Merrion
Song Title:
Proper Crimbo (Selecta)
Print Version
ooohhh hooo
Come and sing with me, proper crimbo
I take you for a drink with me, proper crimbo, Wibble
put your Christmas tree, proper crimbo
So excited you might wee, proper crimbo, proper crimbo
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love came to me
A peregrine falcon proper bo I tell thee
She had two trainers and a beanie hat
A new set of headphones all shining black
I didn't sleep that night
For Santa to come
I wet the bed that's what I had done
Cos Christmas time is the place to be
I always wake up in a puddle of wee
With a ho-ho and a silent night
A little chipolata I'll be feeling alright
Turkeys on the table which brings a crow
Celebrate chrimbo I tell thee all.
Come now sing with me, proper chrimbo
I take you for a drink with me, proper crimbo
put your Christmas tree, proper crimbo
So excited you might wee, proper chrimbo, proper chrimbo
Ho ho ho
I'm a bad mo-fo
I got presents y'all for the two by two
They goes watch out cos i got time for you
Super funky and you're one of us
Watch out Santa cos here i come
cus i sleep on the floor
Never ever on the bed
That's Santa's style all in your head
It's me dressed up come sit on my knee
Got gifts for y'all what you got for me
Chamone, chamone, chamone, chamone
Chamone check, check tha-cone
I said bubbles ain't a monkey
She can move real funky
Chamone check, check tha-cone
That's right oww
Come now sing with me, proper crimbo
selecta (sing with me)
I take you for a drink with me, proper crimbo
selecta (he-hee)
put your Christmas tree, proper crimbo
So excited you might wee, proper crimbo, proper crimbo
(ay up, where's all t' band gone come on kids help us out)
Proper Bo Bo
Proper Bo Bo
Can I get a re-wind?
Proper Bo Bo
Hell that were reet good
Proper Bo Bo,Proper Bo Bo,proper bo bo
(come on now lets get it together you as well Kez)
Sing with me
Come now sing with me, proper crimbo
(take me for a drink)
I take you for a drink with me, proper crimbo
(Take you for a goat)
put your Christmas tree, proper crimbo
(So excited)
So excited you might wee, proper crimbo
proper crimbo, proper crimbo
(can I get a beat change)
Come now sing with me, proper crimbo
(Sing with me)
I take you for a drink with me, proper crimbo
(I take you for a drink)
put your christmas tree, proper crimbo
(Wave your Christmas tree)
So excited you might wee, so excited, so excited, so excited
(O-reet good now come on sing with me.)
Come now sing with me, proper crimbo
(Sing with me)
I take you for a drink with me, proper crimbo
(I'll take you for a drink)
put up your christmas tree, proper crimbo
(put up your christmas tree, proper crimbo
So excited you might wee, proper crimbo
so excited, so excited, so excited
(have a proper bo crim... bo)
(bumbal squat)
(it's all because of the magic chazam)
Proper Crimbo (Selecta) Lyrics
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Bo Selecta Proper Crimbo
"Come na sing with me, proper chrimbo,
I take you for a drink with me, proper chrimbo,
Hold up your Christmas tree, proper chrimbo,
So excited you might wee, proper chrimbo, proper chrimbo,..."
Have A Proper Bo CrimBo
"Come now sing with me, Proper Crimbo,
I'll take you for a drink with me, Proper Crimbo ,
Put up your Christmas tree, Proper Crimbo,
On The Seven Days Of Christmas my true love gave to me,..."
Proper Chrimbo
"Come and sing with me
Proper Chrimbo,
I'll take you for a drink with me
Put up your Christmas tree..."
Proper Crimbo
"By - N e O -
Come now sing with me, Proper Crimbo,
Put up your Christmas tree, Proper Crimbo,..."
Show Me A Sign
"show me a sign
give me a meaning
tell me why
why can't we see..."
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