Axis Of Advance - Nix The Sphere Lyrics

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Artist: Axis Of Advance
Song Title: Nix The Sphere
Visits: 769
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Alone at last to see
From dream-state to reality
The power to nix the sphere
Assured destruction now complete

Gone, but not gone
I've seen it coming all along
A vow I made so long ago
In truth, I wish i'd know nothing more

The writings were my fate
The remainder of life was a lie

"This is a chance to transform"
A calling known to be reacted to
"Into the grandest form of all matter"
Results far surpassing the expected
"A light source at the axis of a system"
Omnipotence beyond man's train of thought
"Your self and your brothers of old will live on"
Myself and the elder gods are one

Together as one to watch
The lines of the earth separating
The power to nix this sphere
See the humans die en masse

Gone but not gone
Useless cultures, weak ideologies
Giant waves and earthquakes
Flatten the shaking ground


Seen from my throne high in the sky
Some try to hide underground
Others cower in the iron domes
That protected them from Ra

"Run for shelter, hide from the blast!"
Send them straight to hell, make their pain the basis for this storm
"Women and children and men alike!"
Sniff the sweet reek of death
Like so many before, but none left to come
"The further we go, the longer we'll last"
Pitiful remnants of hope make my task all the more amiable
"We're all going to die!"
A whisp of my hand, and it's gone
Only the moon remains


Triumph of my will
All the thought and skill
For a sacrifice
Everlasting night

And the sword and shield
Only the dying wield
Eternal reel of realms
"I" am now "We" and we move on


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