Axis Of Advance - Primeval Expansion Lyrics

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Artist: Axis Of Advance
Song Title: Primeval Expansion
Visits: 797
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A hamlet lord had taken me in
He was an elder lacking kin
His wing was mentorous and protective
The celestial erudition he was about to share

As a boy i'd learned much on my own
Recognizing pre-war signs and dialects
But Lord Elmreckt was a master intellectual
Capable of feats unproven by science

The first step: to understand the fear
To control the reflexes of mental lapse
Following this: the medicinary state
Where expanding the mind is possible by the use of linear projection

And for long months, I listened, practiced and learned
My mind's eye has transcended the scars of the earth
My awareness immense, my instincts now honed
Lord Elmreckt and I were tapping into the unknown

And oh, the sight and the sound!
Like a billion explosions, but black and calm
And this alleged continuum of space and time?
It is not at all like what is said in thr old world's books

"Quiet" he said, "We are travelling at a humungous speed
Down an unchartable quarter of the astral sleet"
It was so intense that I felt death grip me
Toy with me, follow me and then let me go

Apparition: "There is a land far away across the violent sea
9000 solsti have passed since a dying and unearthly race
Tried to cultivate there. It is important that their work is completed.
Not for their sake, but for yours

What is this... strange four legged creatures hoofing through desert lands
Gigantic triangular structures... bizarre glyphs... and a...
An opening for life of the universal nucleus

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