Axis Of Advance - Structural Interpretation Via Superfluous Union Lyrics

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Artist: Axis Of Advance
Song Title: Structural Interpretation Via Superfluous Union
Visits: 720
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Before arrival, the shores of Europa were seen
I tested that land, saw things I could not believe
Devastation and gloom, the humans ground into the soils
Children stacked in piles, bodies used for coal

Although in chaos, a government had control
A Germanic old world army, allied with the south
The eastern plane was still a threat
War continued periodically with weekly air raids

Fully aware of my calling for death
I left that place and made well south
The deserts here were full of the sounds
Of nothing short of the planet's final breath (breathe)

"10,000 years ago, 5 huge pyramids were created
In the resemblance of the hunter's constellation
...A constallation which consists of 7 suns"

Two more structures must be built
To complete the portal
Left by the dying un-earthly race
This task is not possible without the
Culmination of many hands
Slaves are an option I would employ
If the power was at my disposal

Fucking mad

I must be a fool for coming this far
On hope alone, my voyage was for nothing
My hate radiated viciously
But it is never alone... I feel someone else's near

After a fit of hopeless rage I track the scent
Hate of this kind is rare in a man
I'm closer now, a figure is before me
Astonishingly, it is but a boy of ten!

"Tell me son, what is thy name"

My throat tightened from this just reward
A bond had been created from the dust of the world
The plan can now be embarked on
Carried out and finalized

This child has a gift that I can't quite control
And it would be useful when properly handled
His ability was manipulation of telekinetic properties-ac

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  • Annihilation
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  • Curtailing Factors Of Interference
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  • Massacrion
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    The corpses dangle sickly from the razor wire
    Us against them, the rain and the rats..."
  • Namination
    "The men in the bird want to play war
    They have zoned us north and south
    By day they roam in hunting packs
    Invincible green giants strong?..."
  • Nix The Sphere
    "Alone at last to see
    From dream-state to reality
    The power to nix the sphere
    Assured destruction now complete..."
  • Primeval Expansion
    "A hamlet lord had taken me in
    He was an elder lacking kin
    His wing was mentorous and protective
    The celestial erudition he was about to share..."

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