Ayreon - Day Nineteen: Disclosure Lyrics

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Artist: Ayreon
Ayreon Author
Album: The Human Equation (cd2) (2004)
Ayreon - The Human Equation (cd2) Album
Song Title: Day Nineteen: Disclosure
Genre: Rock
Visits: 664
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[Best Friend]</i> My good friend, I hope you hear my voice

I must alleviate this ache

I thought about this and found I have no choice

I have to tell you this for conscience sake

I felt alone, forsaken and afraid

Out of work and out of love

I needed someone to ease some of the pain

She was there for me when times were rough

[Wife]</i> My sweet love, my heart belongs to you

But I was lonely and the need for passion grew

You where never here, and even when you were

Most of my words would go unheard

[Best Friend]</i> I'd be there to comfort her

[Wife]</i> We'd shared our distress

[Best Friend]</i> But we were never in love

[Wife]</i> Can you forgive us?

[Best Friend]</i> My good friend, well maybe I am wrong

I think you saw us on that day

I want you to know, she loved you all along

I hope that this will help you in some way

[Wife]</i> My sweet love, my heart belongs to you

But I was lonely and the need for passion grew

You where never here, and even when you were

Most of my words would go unheard

[Best Friend]</i> I'd be there to comfort her

[Wife]</i> We'd shared our distress

[Best Friend]</i> But we were never in love

[Wife]</i> Can you forgive us?

[Love]</i> Don't be afraid, her heart belongs to you

[Passion]</i> Don't be afraid, don't keep her waiting

[Love]</i> It's time to rise, and tell them what you feel

[Passion]</i> You have to let them know

[Love]</i> Here the dream ends, this is real

[Me]</i> I'll be there to comfort her

[Passion]</i> I know you will be!

[Me]</i> I'll come back to life

[Love]</i> I know that you can!

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Other Ayreon song Lyrics
  • Day One: Vigil
    "Did he try to touch my hand
    Or is my mind playing tricks on me...
    Do you think he hears us cry?
    Does he understand..."
  • Day Two Isolation
    "I don't remember anything
    What place is this...how did I get here?
    I don't understand, what's happening...
    Am I alone?..."
  • Day Three: Pain
    "I am real. I'm not a dream
    I'm the chain around your neck as you scream
    Surrender now
    You can't beat death at his ruthless game..."
  • Day Four: Mystery
    "On the brightest hour of day, no car in sight
    No, I can't seem to accept these strange conditions
    No matter what they say, it doesn't feel right
    A creature on the road, a plane in the air......"
  • Day Five: Voices
    "Can you hear them, do you know what they mean?
    Try to remember, what have you been through?
    What do you know and what have you seen?
    I can read the thoughts they conveying..."
  • Day Six: Childhood
    "Hiding from the world, staring at the ceiling
    But he never was, and I knew how she was feeling
    He'd always break you, never let you win
    No matter what you said, he'd always disagree..."
  • Day Seven: Hope
    "To the time when we were chasing all the girls
    Two maniacs
    Indulging in the pleasures of this world
    So much to see, so much to live for..."
  • Day Eight: School
    "Face you deepest fears
    The world is against you
    You're fighting back the tears
    I felt very small..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Human Equation (cd2)" album, click "Ayreon Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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