Ayreon - Spaced Out Lyrics

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Artist: Ayreon
Ayreon Author
Song Title: Spaced Out
Visits: 695
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by Donovan Leitch of the album Cosmic Wheels, 1973)
I was impressed like everyone when man began to fly
out of earthly regions to planets in the sky
with total media coverage we watched the heroes land
as ceremoniously they disturbed the cosmic sand

I awe with admiration we listened to the talk
such pride felt they, such joy to be upon the moon to walk
my romantic vision shattered when it was explained to me
spacemen wear old diapers in which they shit and pee


oh the intergalactic laxative will get you from here to there
relieve you and believe me without a worry or care
if shitting is your problem when you're out there in the stars
the intergalactic laxative will get you from here to mars

they don't partake like you and I of beefy burger mush
their food is specially prepared to dissolve into slush
absorbed my multi-fibres in the super diaper suit
otherwise the slush would trickle down inside the boot

you may well ask now what becomes of liquid they consume
a pipe is led from penis head to a unit in the room
the water is recirculated, filtered for re-use
in case of anti-gravity, pee gets on the loose

wherever man has conquered on the quest for frontiers new
I'm glad he's always had to do the no. one and two
it makes it all so ordinary just like you and me
to know the greatest heroes they had to shit and pee!

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Other Ayreon song Lyrics
  • Day One: Vigil
    "Did he try to touch my hand
    Or is my mind playing tricks on me...
    Do you think he hears us cry?
    Does he understand..."
  • Day Two Isolation
    "I don't remember anything
    What place is this...how did I get here?
    I don't understand, what's happening...
    Am I alone?..."
  • Day Three: Pain
    "I am real. I'm not a dream
    I'm the chain around your neck as you scream
    Surrender now
    You can't beat death at his ruthless game..."
  • Day Four: Mystery
    "On the brightest hour of day, no car in sight
    No, I can't seem to accept these strange conditions
    No matter what they say, it doesn't feel right
    A creature on the road, a plane in the air......"
  • Day Five: Voices
    "Can you hear them, do you know what they mean?
    Try to remember, what have you been through?
    What do you know and what have you seen?
    I can read the thoughts they conveying..."
  • Day Six: Childhood
    "Hiding from the world, staring at the ceiling
    But he never was, and I knew how she was feeling
    He'd always break you, never let you win
    No matter what you said, he'd always disagree..."
  • Day Seven: Hope
    "To the time when we were chasing all the girls
    Two maniacs
    Indulging in the pleasures of this world
    So much to see, so much to live for..."
  • Day Eight: School
    "Face you deepest fears
    The world is against you
    You're fighting back the tears
    I felt very small..."

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