Aziel - Brothers Song Lyrics
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Brothers Song Song Lyrics
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Brothers Song
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For everyone that lost a love one they are in a better place you hear what I am saying theses are for my brothers my brothers common My brothers gone but he's not far away in my heart you'll stay every day I know he watching me as I'm on my way as I struggle and strive for a better day for my brothers:(Rap) I'm sitting here stuck trying to turn back the hands of time, ask the lord ??Why??? my brother had to go, we spoosed to grow old and stack doe, we spoosed to reach sixty sippin' on some henny point it real live real big real bold see never realized that life could be so closely when you left, I couldn't deal with you death, in peace may you rest, I'm gonna rep it proud, rep it loud just roll lows trying to hold it down theres no hesitation in these movements just cross the mouth piece smoothest, the way he made the ladies yell was ruthless, you're my brother I will always love ya kept it real from the gates, told me to learn from your mistakes, and pump my brakes I was moving to fast my brothers gone but he's not far away hes not far away ??. in my heart you'll stay every day I know he watching me as I'm on my way as I struggle and strive for a better day ( this is for my brothers and Abiel ) this is for my brothers only for my brothers ( this is for my brothers and Abiel )this is for my brothers only for my brother Boss Boss Breakah Nice, hard when you hit me with that, complicating when you dealing with the fact that he left,no ones spoosed to know when you take your last breath so we all spoosed to fake it he just takes it to death, get up and start to flex start bouncing your chest,think just how you sing when your sposed to sing it the best, cause I see for retribution, I cant settle for less, gang bang is a must, so we bust we finess, and more anxious when we hallah pimp and squat in parlors hotties big bad Polys acting naughty poppin collahs cruches made by dollahs as they crush a
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Now baby let me take you away, away you dont have to find another man, no no Now baby let me take you away, away you dont have to find another man,
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I think you gonna need a well deserved break,..."
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this song is for u
to let u know
that i want u..."
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