Aztlan Underground - Killing Season Lyrics

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Artist: Aztlan Underground
Song Title: Killing Season
Visits: 736
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[Verse One]

Death is becoming a way of life

It's a killing season and the sun shines bright

The air you're breathin' is getting hot

I guess you better stop

It's the summertime and young bodies begin to drop

From pops of glocks

Blood drips and bodies rot

Caught in the crossfire look for cover

You hit a baby but the bullet was meant for another

Goodbye sister, father, brother, mother

It's okay mom cuz your baby didn't suffer

Your baby didn't suffer, your baby didn't suffer

Darkness is closing in

Another 3 year old soul checks out with no sin

It's a shame when you think of what might have been

Life wasn't like this way back when

When I was a kid I used to stroll down the street

Like the world was my place to play and at my feet

But now for my child this time has long passed

It's a new season and the role has been cast

[Chorus] 2x

[Verse Two]

It's hot as hell and he's sick of this shit

His blood is boiling and his head is ready to split

Cuz he's a un-natural born killa

Made from everything un-natural

A blood spilla

Now, you can see him and his victim

On the news at 5 o'clock

Exploited by the networks

"Hey kid, you hit the top"

From pops of glocks blood drips and bodies rot

From pops of glocks blood drips and bodies rot

From pops of glocks blood drips and bodies rot

The bodies rot, the bodies rot

I gather gray matter

Makes an ugly mess

On the concrete the same as the bullet to the chest

Stress to the brain and they took their best shot

Homicide for pride the baby died, stop

Back to the fetal position

A bullet in the brain creates this condition

Curled up into a little small ball

I cry like a baby for a child so small

[Chorus] 2x

[Verse Three]

Death to a 3 year old nino brings forever sleep

This we live with and this we keep

Hidden away, but this is the land of the free and home of the brave

And someone has to pay

So put a little face to that name

Look into his eyes and pray for the rain

Here him laugh, hear him cry

Hear him calling in your suenos asking you why?

A child's reflection in his own blood

Shots are loud but small bodies make a small thud

Bullets realizing their full potential to do damage

Sizing, paralyzing, leaving mothers left to manage

A paraplegic how surrealistic is the music coming from

An ice cream truck that's too quick

For the little feet of a 3 year old soul

It makes me sick

I'm watching the life flow out of a child's body slowly

Now will you please save a stray bullet for me

Cuz if life is living to see

The death of our children then I don't wish to be


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