Aztlan Underground - Obsolete Man Lyrics

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Artist: Aztlan Underground
Song Title: Obsolete Man
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Drain me, suck the life from me

Now my body weeps like an old willow tree

They?re taking my life, they?re taking my individuality

I?ve become another one of the unknowns

No individuals, just company clones

They think for me now

They think for me now

They took my life and I don?t know how

I live to work and I work to live

But they want it all and I have no more to give

It?s a ritual, religious its all the same

I?m not crazy, just a little bit insane

Locked in when the card slides through

Let the games begin now I?m turning blue


Cuz I?m choking on a check


Cuz I have no self-respect

They took my name and gave me a 4 digit number

My spirit is tamed by the one I work under


You can take my life but you?ll never take my soul

Healing, I?m not willing

I need control

I?m an obsolete man

In a web of conformity you find yourself caught

Welcome to the world survivors of the onslaught

Question the things all the things you?ve been taught

Your body, your mind, commodity you are not

Cuz flesh and blood is all that you got

Becuz flesh and blood is all that you got

Becuz flesh and blood is all that you got!!!

It was painful when I realized

My oppression and my daily disguise

I was not happy when I opened my eyes

I was not happy when I opened my eyes!!!

Cada dia de tu vida trabajas pa vivir

Faltas control pero hay que subsistir

Y pensando lo bien eso es la realidad

No tienes tus derechos y menos la dignidad

Pero siquiera en la mesa tienes la comida

Viviendo como esclavo por el resto de tu vida!

Viviendo como esclavo por el resto de tu vida!!

Viviendo como esclavo por el resto de tu vida!!!

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