Aztlan Underground - Preachers of the Blind State Lyrics

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Artist: Aztlan Underground
Song Title: Preachers of the Blind State
Visits: 762
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Give your soul to the preachers of the blind faith

It's good to be righteous, now it's good to be safe

Suspended, animated, united state

Hook, line, and sinker now you took the bait

Caught like a rat in a rat trap

Broken dreams, now they've stabbed you in the back

Minds are tortured and minds are shaped

Violated, set you up for the mind rape

They took you from a child and showed you the way

Be the cowboy, not the Indian when you play

Don't stray from the righteous path

Your faith keeps you safe from the preachers wrath

Confess to the preachers

Repent for your sins

Denounce your culture, language, and the state wins

Lost forever in the church of the right

Your faith is your death

Your faith is taking your sight


Now can you hear the truth when your listen


Read between the lines

Choking on the vines of wisdom

For the eyes can't see through the hate

Find your comfort it lies within your faith

That right is right and it can't be wrong

Glory, hallelujah, and his truth marches on

Glory, hallelujah, and his truth marches on

Cuando estabas muy chico pensavas diferente


Era el modo de tu mente

Pero la honstidad no fue la realidad

Y crecias viendo hueros en todo los canales

Mientras el espejo te dijo que tu no vales

No vales nada en este mundo blanco

Mundo de bancos, controlando

Tus deseos, tus sentimientos

Y tu vida

Pero nuestras raices indigenas

Son como troncos de arbol

Y eso nunca muere

Y eso,

Nunca muere!!!

They tune to your mind

Your t.v. reception

Strategic calculated mind control deception

Maintaining the system

Imposing their values

Consumer manipulation

Keeping you shallow

And now your senses are numbed

And you cannot feel

You've lost comprehension of the fake or real

You cannot deal with life and what it should mean

Ya fashion your life by a TV screen

Blond is the bomb makes you ashamed of your skin

And rejecting this is like a mortal sin

So lets begin

Let us dissect,

Count all the ways that they keep us on check

Their books, magazines, the media crooks

Their morals, your diet, the nightly news

Neoliberalism is controlling your views

Neoliberalism is controlling your views

Ta Batz'i Vinic, Ta Batz'i Vinic

(Tzotzil-To the real people)

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