Aztlan Underground - Revolution Lyrics

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Artist: Aztlan Underground
Song Title: Revolution
Visits: 687
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If you got the anger

Then it's time to get it managed

Throw your fist in the air

Let's do some damage

Build it up now you let it all out

Scream inside your head

Now you're ready for the bout

The battle, the fight, the war within yourself

It's easier to forget and put it on the shelf

Therapeutic therapy

Now I'm dealing with my hate

You put that shit up on someone else's plate

Whoever said "time heals all wounds"

Didn't feel the pain cuz the pain always looms

Down deep inside your soul

Lost inside your head

Now only time is in control

Now only time is in control


I've managed to handle and curb my aggression

Live music has become my group session

Every time I perform I learn a new lesson

Don't forget to put your answers in the form of a question


What is the way out of oppression?-3x

Don't forget to put your answer in the form of a question

500 and sick years without your mama

Is the driving force behind all this drama

Xikano neurosis, chickens without heads

Deuce 4-7 like the living dead

No sense of self is how you function

But the sexto sol is under construction

Bringing back all that we lost

And introspection is the only cost

Like tezcatlipoca and the smoking mirror

We invoke the creator of the far and near

La cultura cura, ancient medicine

Ingest your identity let the healing begin

[Chorus] 2X

We must understand how we came to be

How we view the world how we think we see

We came to be via rape and aggression

And hence a psychoanalytical question

Why is their sickness within the family?

And why is there abuse from A to Z?

Domestic violence and child molestation

Are the consequences of a conquered nation

Domestic violence and child molestation

Are the consequences of a conquered nation!

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