B2K - Why I Love You Lyrics
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Why I Love You Song Lyrics
B2K (2002)
Song Title:
Why I Love You
Print Version
Vesre 1:]
From day one you and I've been friends.
Hangin out, havin fun, chillin.
Now I know at times I got crazy, silly ways and actin shady.
You peep things in me that no one sees.
You hold it down fo shizzy.
Now I have friends I thought were true but no one more true than you.
So what am I gonna do.
It took a while for me to see how special you treated me
Maybe thats the reason why I love you.
You're my heart girl.
And wit all the crazy things that I do, you're still here girl.
Noone else can meka me feel like you do.
You've shared my world.
Baby thats the reason why I love you.
[Verse 2:]
No other girl is quite like you.
And noone has my back like you do.
Girl you're one of a kind and you blow my mind.
And I'm glad to say you're mine.
Girl you're the one that changed me from a boy into a man.
Maybe thats the reason why I love you.
You're my heart girl.
And wit all the crazy things that I do, you're still here girl.
Noone else can make me feel like you do.
You've shared my world.
Baby thats the reason why I love you.
It took a while for me to see how special you treated me.
Maybe thats the reason why I love you.
You're my heart girl.
And wit all the crazy things that I do, you're still here girl.
Noone else can make me feel like you do.
You've shared my world.
Baby thats the reason why I love you.
Maybe thats the reason why I love you.
You're my heart girl.
And wit all the crazy things that I do, you're still here girl.
Noone else can make me feel like you do.
You've shared my world.
Baby thats the reason why I love you.
I Love You, maybe thats the reason why I love you.
[Thanks to Mcede02@aol.com for correcting these lyrics
Why I Love You Lyrics
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Other B2K song Lyrics
Gots Ta Be
"It's not my way, to talk to strangers
But I feel like I already know you, ooh
And if you need somebody
I wanna manage you, huh..."
"I'm young, like to hang with my crew have fun
but it seems like all the girls I know, never understood that flow.
like this one, when i first met her she was so cool, but when i told her i need space, she got
all in my face...."
Uh Huh
Hey yo trick
How you gonna come up w/ something like this man?
B2K Is Hot Skit
"yo i'm sayin' what we gonna do?
we sittin' up here all bored and everything
i mean what's crakin' 4 the night j boog?
i'm sayin' what's up..."
B2K Is Hot
"b2k got the ladies jumpin
and keep the party bumpin
and all my fellas thumpin like
B2K is hot..."
"Yo you see it's this girl
she she hot
you know gotta get her
uh huh yeah..."
Im Not Finished
"I remember like it was yesterday
Had everything under control
Stayed out all night with my boys
I took advantage of your love..."
Come On
"B2K - Omarion, Lil Fizz, Raz B, J Boog
Come on... come on...
Omarion, first verse...
...Show All
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