B-52s - Cake Lyrics

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Artist: B-52s
Song Title: Cake
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Take a little, take a little nip,
Take a little sip, take a little more.
Spread icing nice and thick between the layers.
Ooh let it drip down the sides. who cares.
Done with the batter.

I am watching it drip down the sides
(if you want a better batter better beat it harder.)
I am watching it drip down the sides
I said according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake
According to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake.

I am watching it drip down the sides
(if you want a better batter better beat it harder.)
I am watching it drip down the sides
I said according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake
(takes a long time for it to rise)
According to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake.
(let it drip right down the sides)
According to my recipe
(who cares)
I can't wait to put the icing on the cake.
I-i can't wait to put the icing on the cake.

Hey, you know what i'd really like to do?
Say wha'?
I feel like makin' a cake
Ooh wah what kind of cake do you want?
Umm, how about ... pineapple upside-down cake?
Maybe a chocolate devil's food cake.
Wah, nothin' like a chocolate devil's food cake.
Ooh, how about an angel cake?
Umm, some cinnamon?
Yea, sure.
Yea, uh huh. i swear.
You got a pan the right size?
A pan?
It says in this cookbook it takes a long time to rise.
I read that. now, beware.
Let's get this thing in the oven.

Take a little, take a little nip,
Take a little sip, take a little more.
Spread icing nice and thick between the layers.
Ooh let it drip down the sides. who cares.
Done with the batter.

I am watching it drip down the sides
(if you want a better batter better beat it harder.)
I am watching it drip down the sides
I said according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake
According to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake.

Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah ...
I can't wait to put the icing on the cake.
Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah ...
250 strokes to beat it, i just can't wait to eat it.

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