B 52s - Private Idaho Lyrics

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Artist: B 52s
Song Title: Private Idaho
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woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo, woo hoo woo hoo
woo hoo hoo hoo, who hoo hoo hoo hoo

you're living in your own private idaho
living in your own private idaho
wa! on the ground like a wild potato
don't go on the patio
beware of the pool, blue bottomless pool
it leads you straight right through the gate that opens on the moon

you're living in your own private idaho
you're living in your own private idaho
keep off the pad, you're on the way (w/"your own private idaho")
watch out for signs that say in a driveway
don't let the chlorine in your eyes
blind you to the open surprise
yea we'll wait for you at, the bottom of the bottomless
blue, blue, blue, pool

you're living in your own private idaho, idaho
you're outta control, you're rivers that roll
you fell into the water and now you're n-idaho
get outta the state, get outta the state you're in
you better beware

you're living in your own private idaho
you're living in your own private idaho
keep off the patio, keep off the pad (w/"your own private idaho")
the bottom may be green but you better not be seen
water flowin in that leads you down
down to a pool, fraught with danger
it's a pool full of strangers


you're living in your own private idaho
where do i go from here, to a better state than this
a wet
don't be blind to the big surprise
swimmin round and round like the deadly hands of a radium clock
at the bottom, of the pool


i, i, i-daho
i, i, i-daho, woo ho
ah, ah (w/"get outta the state, get outta the state"

you're living in your own private idaho (all voices)
living in your own private, idaho

(xcribed by matt@cs.umass.edu

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