B Eric And Rakim - Almost Home Lyrics
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B Eric And Rakim Singer Lyrics
Almost Home Song Lyrics
B Eric And Rakim
Song Title:
Almost Home
Print Version
He had plastic bags wrapped round his shoes.
He was covered with the evening news.
Had a pair of old wool socks on his hands.
The bank sign was flashing '5 below,
It was freezing rain an' spittin' snow.
He was curled up behind some garbage cans.
I was afraid that he was dead.
I gave him a gentle shake.
When he opened up his eyes
I said, "Old man are you ok?"
He said, "I just climbed out of a cottonwood tree,
I was runin' from some honey bees.
Drip dryin' in the summer breeze,
After jumpin' into Calico creek.
I was walkin' down an old dirt road,
Past a field of hay that had just been mowed.
Man I wish you'd just left me alone,
'Cause I was almost home."
Then he said, "I's just comin' 'round the barn
Bout the time you grabbed my arm,
When I heard Momma holler 'son hurry up.'
I was close enough for my own nose
To smell fresh cobbler on the stove
And I saw daddy loadin' up the truck
Cane poles on the tailgate
Bobbers blowin' in the wind
Since July of '55
That's as close as I've been."
"Yeah, I just climbed out of a cottonwood tree.
I was runin' from some honey bees.
Drip dryin' in the summer breeze,
After jumpin' into Calico creek.
I was walkin' down an old dirt road,
Past a field of hay that had just been mowed.
Man I wish you'd just left me alone,
I was almost home."
I said, "Old man you're gonna freeze to death.
Let me drive you to the mission."
He said, "Boy if you'd left me alone
Right now I'd be fishin'"
"I just climbed out of a cottonwood tree.
I was runin' from some honey bees.
Drip dryin' in the summer breeze,
After jumpin' into Calico creek.
I was walkin' down an old dirt road,
Past a field of hay that had just been mowed.
Man I wish you'd just left me alone
'Cause I was almost home."
(Almost Home)
"Man I wish you'd just left me alone, I was almost home."
Almost Home Lyrics
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