B Melanie - Tell Me Lyrics
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B Melanie Singer Lyrics
Tell Me Song Lyrics
B Melanie
Song Title:
Tell Me
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What made you think I would be fooled
I now see through you
And you're the fool
Tell me
How do you feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true
I can't believe I was so blind I didn't see
That you couldn't be the type of man to meet my needs
Strangest thing is everyone tried to tell me
But I did what they told me not to
You nearly had my everything
by running game on me
You told me all I had to hear
I thought love was finally here
But then one day the truth I'd see your game was incomplete
Cos when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man so get from under my roof
(I don't want you)
What made you think I would be fooled (Be fooled)
I now see through you (Yes I do)
And you're the fool
Tell me (Tell me)
How do you (How do you)
feel when you see me (When you see me)
And I disregard you (Disregard you)
There's someone new
And they're true
It was the saddest thing I thought there was no help for me
Cos you made me think I wasn't worth anything
Now I see you didn't have no self esteem
And all you loved was Mel B's money
You nearly had my everything
by running game on me
You told me all I had to hear
I thought love was finally here
But then one day the truth I'd see your game was incomplete
Cos when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man so get from under my roof
(I don't want you)
What made you (Made you)
think I would be fooled (think I would be fooled)
I now see through you (I can see through you)
And you 're the fool (you're the fool, baby, you're the fool)
Tell me
How do you feel when you see me (When you see me)
And I disregard you (Oh...)
There's someone new
and they're so true
You nearly had my everything, by running game on me
You lied to me, why did you lie to me
But then one day the truth it seems your game was incomplete
I found out the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man so get from under my roof
(I don't want you)
What made you think I would be fooled
I now see through you (I'm glad I saw through you)
And you're the fool
Tell me (Tell me, tell me)
How do you feel when you see me (Do when you see)
And I disregard you (Disregard you)
There's someone new (One new)
and they're so true (And they're so true)
What made you think I would be fooled
I now see through you
And you're the fool
Tell me
How do you feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new and they're true
Tell Me Lyrics
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Other B Melanie song Lyrics
Hell No
Before you leave I've got something to say
so listen to me
I know you wanted to hate me..."
"Sometimes I think about
What life was like before
Was it full of old remedies
That kept me reaching for the door..."
"Get picture this
Come with me body and we can floss in the whip
But he didn't know I wasn't on money shit
Bum real tight up top mad thick..."
I Believe
"I believe in my baby
Now here come to me
Just when I thought
That no one had no kind of love for me..."
I Want You Back
"Boy I'm sick of you
Who me? Yes me. Yeah you know I'm a fool,
Oooh I'm a fool for you
Cauce I keep takin' you back as though I'm stupid like that..."
Feel Me Now
"I like it when we do it this way
Remember this, listen...
When I get wanted, I give you what you want
It's all about the different layers of my body, right?..."
"You'll let me take you to the next level
Let your mind be free
Let your mind be free
If you wanna get with me..."
Feel So Good
"I was gonna get all soft and smoochy
Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should..."
...Show All
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" and search album songs from the artist page.
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