B Witched - Hey Mickey Lyrics

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Artist: B Witched
Song Title: Hey Mickey
Visits: 1002
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Thanks to: Lumy

Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey
(repeat x5)

Hey Mickey
You've been around all night, and that's a little long
You think you've got the right, and I think you got it wrong
But can't you say goodnite, so you can take me home, Mickey

Cuz when you say you will, it only means you won't
You're giving me the chills baby, please baby don't
And every night you still leave me all alone, Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand
Oh Mickey you're so pretty can't you understand
It's guys like you Mickey, oh what you do, Mickey, do Mickey
don't break my heart Mickey

Hey Mickey
Now when you take me by the, "Who's ever gonna know"
Every time you move, I let a little more show
It's something we can use, so don't say no, Mickey

So come on and give it to me anyway you can
Anyway you wanna do it, I'll take it like a man
Oh please baby please, don't leave me in the den, Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand
Oh Mickey you're so pretty can't you understand
It's guys like you Mickey, oh what you do, Mickey, do Mickey
don't break my heart Mickey

Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey
Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand
Oh Mickey you're so pretty can't you understand
It's guys like you Mickey, oh what you do, Mickey, do Mickey
don't break my heart Mickey

(repeat to fade

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