Baby Namboos - Holy Lyrics

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Artist: Baby Namboos
Song Title: Holy
Visits: 871
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I am a whore so I sleep with boys
It isn't nice I chose this life
They're all suckers
I live the life I pay the price
I live the life I pay the price
Ask my mother

But there you stand morally unscathed
Telling me how to behave
I'm the sinner
I'm not the girl I used to be
I'm not the girl I used to be
But I am holy

I don't need to go to church
'Cause I am holy
I don't need to preach your dirt
'Cause I am holy
I don't need to go to school
'Cause I am holy
I don't need to read your rules
'Cause I am holy
'Cause I am holy

Call me sinner I don't care
'Cause I am holy
I won't let you take me there
'Cause I am holy
I'm not the girl I used to be
I'm not the gilr I used to be
I am holy

I am a whore so I sleep with boys
It isn't nice I pay the price
But there you stand morally unscathed
Telling me how to behave
I am holy

Life's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
What the hell do you take me for
God's out still throwing stones
All your man-made gods and your guilded thrones
I am holy
'Cause I am holy

Under no illusion
I reserve the right to be incorrect sometimes
Under no illusion
I reserve the right to be incorrect sometimes
(Taking part)
Teach my future what you want
(Ah, can't slow me down)
Money would cease when I was sleepin' in the early morn
When they were plannin' out my destiny
(Ah, can't bring me down)
Money was saved to see what they'd invest in me
Next step is all beginning
Save us from our sins
(Here I am)
As I'm lookin' toward the prison yard
Old school, Bell's Hell
This reminds me of the smell
(I am holy)
I'm the guarantee of the whole think-up
Takin' newer heights
New heights lose attention
(Yes I am)
You're thinkin' you need another dimension
I'm just here to let you know
How to plant your seeds
And watch them die, then grow
Starts off a brash talk inside
(And there you stand morrally unscathed)
as they put the razzes on the tunnels around
(Telling me how to behave)
I was lookin' for a little hope
When he was livin' a dream
and the others smote
So don't point your fingers at me
(I am holy)
Take a look at yourself
When you was sinnin' I was climbing trees

Yes we are holy
Sinners you don't know me
So don't tell me I'm not holy
It's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
Life's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
It's a see-saw, see-saw
What the hell do you take me for

Holy Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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