Babycakes - 3 of a Kind Lyrics
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3 of a Kind Song Lyrics
Song Title:
3 of a Kind
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I just want you to know oh oh
That I think our love will grow yeah yeah [x6]
Baby cakes
You just don't know, know
How I I
How I like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think our love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
Confused don't know what I'm feeling
Confused relationships without meaning
In the mist I can see it gleaming
Time to wake up and stop the dreaming
Coz your my lil Baby cakes
And I know you got what it takes
The way you make me feel
The way that I am
when you talk to you friends
And call me your man
I'ma tell you right now
I appriciate it
Your the one for me
Your the real Shit
You was right there from the start
When I was lost you helped me find my heart
Tell her, I'd like to thank u bank you
Through good or bad times I picture jus me and you
We have a fun time where the funs low
and there's just one thing I want you to know
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think our love will grow yeah yeah [x4]
Baby cakes
You just don't know know
How I I
How I like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think our love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
Lovin every minute
Just you and me
in a field dreaming
You'll be my baby
Maybe there's a possibility
We'll grow old together live happily (happillyyy)
In your grave
Bring out the tiger in me
He satisfies my every need constantly
Your the man for me
The one who even thinks what will life be like
If our eyes never met
and they say that there's someone for everyone
and At the first sight yeah you know it's love
See the person u can't breath ur heart stops
n u get butterflies in ya belly but thats such jus life
That's why I like a different dimension
you can't help it but feelin the affections
Sexual tention physical attractions
Instant flip flirtation actions
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think our love wil grow yeah yeah [x4]
Baby cakes
You just don't know, know
How I I
How I like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think our love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
I I got to know [x4]
The way you look at me
Yeah you pull me closer
Our bodies together
Under the cover
Soft kisses
With ya hands all over
If I have to cry
Then ya cry on my shoulder
Can't get enough
When you loosen my neck
Goes down to my belly
and Carress my breast
i wanna ship your body
Like you was a godess
Your the man for me
n ya simply the best
u mean the world to me
And it's no contest
For Any other man
i got no interest
Loving you
weather it's wrong or right
I'm thinking of you
Everyday and night
People don't get the wrong idea
It's about us so don't interfere
The way you look at me
Cakes its gotta be
When your out
When your stood right next to me
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think I'll have a go yeah yeah [x4]
Baby cakes
You just don't know, know
How I I
How like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think I love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
[end:] baby cakes u jus dont no (hahaha)
3 of a Kind Lyrics
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