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Where Have You Been (feat. Beanie Sigel) Song Lyrics
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[Beanie Sigel] Damn how am I gonna say this shit? hey... hey dad, yeah it's your boy remember me? I wanna talk to you scrap I remember being kicked out the house 'cause I looked just like you Said I'd be nothing but a crook just like you The niggaz in the hood was shook Where the just like you 'Cause all they said was little whitey look I'm just like you But dog I can't see it at all, shit We never kicked it at all We never pitched or kicked at a ball dog, you never taught me shit how to fight, ride a bike, fix a flat none of that sorts of shit Nigga you was an abusive pops fuck you left me out to dry, stuck gotta teach news to box gotta teach news to bop and that aint the half of it man I gotta teach news to block It's about time we have a father to son (nigga sit down) sit down let me tell you 'bout your fatherless sons how they grew to be men and father they sons father they daughters nigga, you left a fatherless daughter I never follow your orders nigga you make me sick pussy you could....ooh how you gonna leave these memories in the back of my mind I can see it clear as day you smackin my mom I 'member that day you showed me that gat, that 9 put it in my palm when I was young and said that would be mine, you turned me out the reason why I hit the block reason why I tried to hit them cops reason why I started hittin shots reason why I started gettin licked and drinkin syrup and skippin court ginger bread man never think of gettin caught look at your hand man damn you fought nigga you left my mom left us with no good-bye's you left us out to dry you left us with no letters,
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