Babyface F/ The Neptunes - There She Goes Lyrics
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Babyface F/ The Neptunes Singer Lyrics
There She Goes Song Lyrics
Babyface F/ The Neptunes
Song Title:
There She Goes
Print Version
There's something about her
You know, it's the way that she carries herself
She's just so bad
Ooh, I don't know
Her style, her mind
Compares to nothing on this Earth
She's not the kind to share
Only God knows what she's worth
I got to show her that I want her
I recognize that she is bad
If I can't have her then I'll go crazy
Spending all my time just chasing
I got to show her that I want her
I recognize that she is bad
If I can't have her then I'll go crazy
Spending all my time just chasing
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
(She's incredible baby, ooh)
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(Oh baby)
I hope to find her there
Gotta make some eye contact
She's not the kind to stare
Move quick or lose her fast
I got to show her that I want her
I recognize that she is bad
If I can't have her then I'll go crazy
Spending all my time just chasing
I got to show her that I want her
I recognize that she is bad
If I can't have her then I'll go crazy
Spending all my time just chasing
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
(Ooh baby, she's incredible baby, ooh)
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(There she goes)
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
(You're incredible baby)
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(There she goes, come on)
Spending all my time watching that girl go
Gotta love her when she moves
(Get down girl)
Spending all my time watching that girl go
Gotta love her when she moves
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
(She's incredible)
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(Ooh, there she goes baby)
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
(Ooh baby, you're incredible baby)
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(There she goes, baby)
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
(Ooh baby, she's incredible baby, ooh)
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(There she goes)
Her eyes, her smile
Her skin, her smell, her hair
Her walk, her talk
Her way her shadow fell (?)
There she goes
(There she goes)
I got to show her that I want her
I recognize that she is bad
If I can't have her then I'll go crazy
Spending all my time just chasing
Spending all my time watching that girl go
Gotta love her when she moves
(Get down girl)
Spending all my time watching that girl go
Gotta love her when she moves
There She Goes Lyrics
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