Bad Examples - The Mask Of Mona Lisa Lyrics

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Artist: Bad Examples
Song Title: The Mask Of Mona Lisa
Visits: 841
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Shes discovered a brand new way to feel superior
Shes discovered another way to get attention
Shes discovered how an attitude can change her life
Shes putting on the mask of Mona Lisa

I dont know, maybe she spent the summer in Verona
And in an attic found the missing notebooks of old Leonardo
All the tricks of trickery were laid out for her virgin eyes
Shes discovered a brand new way to feel superior

I dont know, maybe she was on an African adventure
Found herself in the death grip of young boa constrictor
And acting unimpressed was the only way to save her life

Shes discovered a brand new way to feel superior
Shes discovered another way to get attention
Shes discovered how an attitude can change her life
Shes putting on the mask of Mona Lisa
Putting on the mask of Mona Lisa

Maybe its a part of the human condition
Maybe its a sign of an unhappy heart
Maybe its a part of an unnatural tradition
But she took to the position like a water snake to water

I dont know, maybe its just a phase that shell grow out of
When she has kids of her own, she can blame them for her problems
Cause all shes ever wanted were the questions that have easy answers

Shes discovered a brand new way to feel superior
Shes discovered another way to get attention
Shes discovered how an attitude can change her life
Shes putting on the mask of Mona Lisa
Putting on the mask of Mona Lisa
Putting on the mask of Mona Lisa

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