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Slaves on Dope Song Lyrics
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Other Bad Language song Lyrics | Chew "more than I can handle more than I can chew more light the candle more the I can do..." | Ive Been Abused "Bad Language I've Been Abused I was in my room, in a chatroom, i saw the name, rapist46. He IMd me, he said hey baby, wanna see some pics, of me..." | Joe Torry "Bad Language Joe Torry nu nun nu nu nu nu nu nu nu I took the guy, he lookd like a pup, the choice was mine, and i blew him up, all..." | Ode To The Ham Sandwich "Bad Language Ode To The Ham Sandwich shit aint funny. like steve savard, ham makes me hard, its betta than eatin whacked up lard...." | |
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