Bad Religion - The State Of The End Of The Millenium Address Lyrics
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The State Of The End Of The Millenium Address Song Lyrics
Bad Religion
No Substance [Japan] (1998)
Song Title:
The State Of The End Of The Millenium Address
Rock: Punk-Rock
Print Version
Bad Religion
The State Of The End Of The Millenium Address
for the 21st century.
Never before has a governing body shown so much concern for the economic
well-being of its subjects.
Today we have insulated you from countless factions who threathens your
financial viability; such as the poor; the idealistic foreigners still
clinging to their childish notions of social welfare; why, you're even kept
uninformed of useless propagandist journalism that reports alleged
violations of human rights (We all know they wouldn't have been punished if
they hadn't been doing something wrong!!). And who better to dispens such
blantently evident factoids but a self-appointed authority like myself?
Acid Rain is a thing of the past... Too many possible causes, too little
signifigance for our modern thinking public, besides industrial
manufacturing is at an all time low anyway, who needs those narrow minded
laborers anyway. Too many mouths to feed, and to many burden on the pay
roll! Who needs 'em? Here in the land of the free-time. Someother ass
back-ward country will give us what we need by exploiting its uneducated
The Internet has expanded our ability to pacify average americans better
than ever by offering fantastical adventures to every corner of the
imagination. Your home office is the window to your world, and the heart of
your social life. Such reclusive behaviour helps clear the roads and public
works from overburden like the lower middle-class and others who depend
shamelessly on their government. Today you are freer than ever to do what
you want, provided you can pay for it!
Remeber, the first word in USA is US
We have arrived neighbours, we are the priviliged elite!
The State Of The End Of The Millenium Address Lyrics
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Other Bad Religion song Lyrics
Youve Got A Chance
"A rhapsody! Contestants in disguise
A nation of desire
But who will win the prize?
The people stand united,..."
Its A Long Way To The Promise Land
"it's a long way to the promise land
so you'd better well know your way
where's a ship on the ocean
and an albatross who is trying to lead you astray..."
A World Without Melody
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in a world without melody
sometimes the rhythmic din
of society is too much for me..."
New America
"do you know the cost of future misery?
have you lost your sense of sustainability?
we are just a step away
from realizing what we strive to be..."
1000 Memories
"You were the one, you were my everything
Never apart, no one in-between
Then one day, when you went your own way
You felt justified, and I was mortified..."
A Streetkid Named Desire
"well, it was punk-fifteen in the morning
and it was time
to stand my ground
and as the gawks and stares bombarded me..."
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"all those stories that my dad told me,
they are just a whisper in time
all those things that never came to be,
they are just a whisper in time..."
Believe It
"let your mind wander,
look beyond the shadows
focus on the skyline,
read the silhouettes..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "No Substance [Japan]" album, click "
Bad Religion Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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