BADFINGER - Dear Angie Lyrics

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Album: Magic Christian Music (1970)
BADFINGER - Magic Christian Music Album
Song Title: Dear Angie
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 789
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Dear Angie, just these lines to confirm something you may know
Dear Angie, please excuse the writing, it`s my nerves, you know

When you caught your train today
You took my heart and soul away
I can`t wait `til Friday night
To see you, touch you, hold you tight

Dear Angie, how`s your folks and relatives?
I hope they`re well
Dear Angie, I`m spending my vacation at that same hotel

I`ve known you now for one whole year
There`s something I`ve not told you, dear
Turned a blind eye for too long
This letter proves that I`ve been wrong

Ba ba da, oooooooh
Ba ba da, oooooooh

I`ve known you now for one whole year
There`s something I`ve not told you, dear
Turned a blind eye for too long
This letter proves that I`ve been wrong

Dear Angie, I`ve beat about the bush, it`s time I spoke my mind
Dear Angie, It`s been a long time coming, guess I`ve been unkind

Dear Angie, the writing`s on the wall
Dear Angie, I love you, you`re my all
Guess that`s all.

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Other BADFINGER song Lyrics
  • Lay Me Down
    "Need your loving
    need your loving
    need your loving
    it's everything to me X 2..."
  • Hey, Mr. Manager
    "Waiting for the phone to tell me you and I are through
    And I'm not alone, I guess that everybody wants it, too
    You got no feeling, you've been dealing all the wrongs
    Your lies are stealing Lord, I think you should be gone..."
  • Keep Believing
    "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
    I couldn't wish you any bad I only miss the many highs we've had
    our problems made it hard to smile
    But I still loved you all the while..."
  • Passed Fast
    "You rise and sing the glory of the future that is passed make it last
    Lost inside the reason of a love I hope will last we can fast
    Come on, your highest hope the hopes, the dreams will last
    Nothing is impossible you know what you must do..."
  • Rock N Roll Contract
    "Know you can Know you can
    Know you can Know you can
    Wrapped up in a Rock 'N' Roll Contract
    Lots of things I had to sign at the time..."
  • Moonshine
    "Baby shine a light on me tell what you're gonna be everythings alright
    You're in my thoughts tonight
    Passing by moonshine moonshine
    One and one is three is that the way it's gotta be the world is yours is mine..."
  • Back Again
    "Love me tonight, say you just might
    Make me in the morning, take me without warning, please
    Don't get uptight say it's alright
    When the day is dawning. You can make the most out of me..."
  • Turn Around
    "As we've turned these empty pages. I have seen the sweat and pain
    Do we have to waste these ages. Going through it all over again?
    Let's forget all the dreams we had
    Play your dreams of yesterday..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Magic Christian Music" album, click "BADFINGER Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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