Badlees - Gwendolyn Lyrics

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Artist: Badlees
Song Title: Gwendolyn
Visits: 787
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Gonna paint a picture
Gonna put it in a frame

So I can show you how I'm feelin'
Gonna paint a picture
Without having to explain
Gonna put it in a frame
And you can hang it from you ceiling
So i can show you how i'm feelin'
In your safe and happy home
Without having to explain
When you come to understand it
And you can hang it from your ceiling
You'll know you're not alone
In your safe and happy home

When you come to understand it
Once upon a time
You'll know you're not alone
We could speak our minds

Once upon a time
We could speak our minds
But now I don't believe you gwendolyn

I don't believe you're all that strong
I don't believe you know the dangers
But now i don't believe you gwendolyn
Of this road you're travlin' on
I don't believe you're all that strong
You're always asking questions
I don't believe you know the dangers
That you know the answers to
Of this road you're travelin' on
Tell me please
You're always asking questions
What do you want from me
That you know the answers to

Tell me please
Gonna write a song
What do you want from me
Gonna tell it like it is

And if you recognize yourself
Gonna write a song
I know you're going to be pissed
Gonna tell it like it is
And if you call me on it
And if you recognize yourself
I'll deny it through and through
I know you're going to be pissed
Just like woody allen would
And if you call me on it
If he were in my shoes
I'll deny it through and through

Just like woody allen would
Once upon a time
If he were in my shoes
I could speak my mind

Once upon a time
I could speak my mind

Gonna write a letter
Gonna mail it to myself

Sincerely and forever
Gonna write a letter
You and yours can go to hell
Gonna mail it to myself
Well, the I'll put it in my pocket
Sincerely and forever
So when this all comes crashing down
You and yours can go to hell
I'll have a way to show you
Well, then i'll put it in my pocket
How long I've been wearing down
So when this all comes crashing down

I'll have a way to show you
Once upon a time
How long i've been wearing down.
We could speak our minds
Once upon a time

We could speak our minds
(chorus 2x)

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Other Badlees song Lyrics
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    A suburban catastrophe
    It's time to start mourning the death of a friend
    Who's standing in front of me..."
  • A Better Way To Save The World
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    While your checkin' your look in the mirror
    From your head down to your shoes..."
  • A Fever
    "With flu
    I dream of you
    In light as blue as neon when it's blue
    Past visions of rolling hills..."
  • A Matter Of Time
    "Town clock stopped tickin', but it ain't broken
    Got a problem that no one can define
    While that river keeps on a-flowin'
    Hang on children, it's a matter of time..."
  • A little faith
    "Martha's wearing blue jeans
    And she's praying for the poor
    Two midgets shop for halloween
    At a salvation army store..."
  • Aint No Man
    "Well i ain't no man, no i ain't no man
    I can run and i can hide, fool the best of them
    I can tell you a story, you'd believe again
    But you'd see right through me, cause i ain't no man..."
  • Amazing Grace To You
    "There was a man who sang the blues
    No one could deny he spoke the truth
    He shouted through the microphone
    But no one could care less..."
  • Angeline Is Coming Home
    "Her parents house exudes a reborn air
    The bathtub virgins in the midnight air
    Seem to smile in celebration
    What an intercession..."

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