Badlees - Song For A River Lyrics

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Artist: Badlees
Song Title: Song For A River
Visits: 764
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he was the king of the back seat
of drunk reverie

saw him escorted out of a mets game
He was the king of the back seat
on network t.v.
Of drunk reverie
kept his head in the clouds
Saw him escorted out of a mets game
with any cheap high he could cull
On network t.v.
in his cancered impala
Kept his head in the clouds
and his hog shirts
With any cheap high he could cull
and his head tapes played dull
In his cancered impala
he lived in a company house
And his hog shirts
in the pardeesville woods
And his head tapes played dull
with a stir crazy dog

and a graveyard of old 'jimmy' hoods
He lived in a company house
sundays we'd run for his stash
In the pardeesville woods
at the new york state line
With a stir crazy dog
that summer when moments of
And a graveyard of old "jimmy" hoods
circumstance altered like wine
Sundays we'd run for his stash

At the new york state line
That summer when moments of
this is for the man
Circumstance altered like wine
this is for the days that we killed

was it my wind of change
or just a breeze at the top of the hill
This is for the man
he didn't talk the gold ring
This is for the days that we killed
he just schemed for a skeleton key
Was it my wind of change
but when you think you met thunder
Or just a breeze at the top of the hill
you only see what your head wants to see
He didn't talk the gold ring

He just schemed for a skeleton key
he threw back-mountain parties
But when you think you met thunder
five deep at the 'well'
You only see what your head wants to see
with his girlfriend, louise, who'd get lit

and tell us all 'go to hell'
He threw back-mountain parties
then he'd get liquored up
Five deep at the "well"
and throw me his keys and yell 'drive'
With his girlfriend, louise, who'd get lit
with him and louise in the back
And tell us all "go to hell"
doin' 'american pie'
Then he'd get liquored up
he'd talk of out west over beer
And throw me the keys and yell "drive"
and the garbage that we ate
With him and louise in the back
'bout the punk band he'd managed
Doin' "american pie"
in phoenix in '78

i was this kid of sixteen the enamored
He'd talk of out west over beer
impressionable kind
And the garbage that we ate
in the poetic pull of the passion
'bout the punk band he'd managed
of life with the lines
In phoenix in '78

I was this kid of sixteen the enamored
Impressionable kind

In the poetic pull of the passion
he just disappeared that mid-august
Of life with the lines
not even a shout

then i read in the news that september
that his time had run out

how he tried to outrun a state trooper
He just disappeared that mid-august
down 93 south
Not even a shout
a charge of possession is why he fled
Then i read in the news that september
said word of mouth
That his time had run out
the paper said nothin' was left
How he tried to outrun a state trooper
but the seats and the frame
Down 93 south
and i read in the write-up
A charge of possession is why he fled
for the first time his real name;
Said word of mouth
birthplace unknown, not from nowhere

no close family
The paper said nothin' was left
just a wild running river
But the seats and the frame
that cut it too fast to the sea
And i read in the write-up

For the first time his real name;
i still raise a glass once a year
Birthplace unknown, not from nowhere
on the night that he died
No close family
though hindsight says
Just a wild river running
he only let me believe that we'd ride
That cut it too fast to the sea
lord, he still taps a vein in my mind

like a summer rain cools
I still raise a glass once a year
long after that river ran dry
On the night that he died
and reality ruled
Though hindsight says

He only let me believe that we'd ride
Lord, he still taps a vein in my mind
Like a summer rain cools
Long after that river ran dry
And reality ruled


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Other Badlees song Lyrics
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    A suburban catastrophe
    It's time to start mourning the death of a friend
    Who's standing in front of me..."
  • A Better Way To Save The World
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    You hand out your opinion like it's the daily news
    While your checkin' your look in the mirror
    From your head down to your shoes..."
  • A Fever
    "With flu
    I dream of you
    In light as blue as neon when it's blue
    Past visions of rolling hills..."
  • A Matter Of Time
    "Town clock stopped tickin', but it ain't broken
    Got a problem that no one can define
    While that river keeps on a-flowin'
    Hang on children, it's a matter of time..."
  • A little faith
    "Martha's wearing blue jeans
    And she's praying for the poor
    Two midgets shop for halloween
    At a salvation army store..."
  • Aint No Man
    "Well i ain't no man, no i ain't no man
    I can run and i can hide, fool the best of them
    I can tell you a story, you'd believe again
    But you'd see right through me, cause i ain't no man..."
  • Amazing Grace To You
    "There was a man who sang the blues
    No one could deny he spoke the truth
    He shouted through the microphone
    But no one could care less..."
  • Angeline Is Coming Home
    "Her parents house exudes a reborn air
    The bathtub virgins in the midnight air
    Seem to smile in celebration
    What an intercession..."

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