Baez Joan - Amsterdam Lyrics

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Artist: Baez Joan
Baez Joan Author
Song Title: Amsterdam
Visits: 911
Print Version

(written by Janis Ian and Buddy Mondlock)

Just the pattern of sunlight on a building
Just a flash in a window I was passing
Just a frame in a movie I remembered
Just the sound of a wheel in the gravel
Just the click of a heel on the pavement
Just a moment like any other moment

I remember your lips, I remember your eyes
And the taste of the kiss and your graceful goodbye
You lied

Just the scent of perfume on the linen
Just the print of a palm on the pillow
Just the hint of the moon through the window
Just a ghost in the steam on the mirror
Just a shadow of motion in the water
Just a need to look over my shoulder

I remember your lips, I remember your eyes
And the taste of the kiss and your graceful goodbye
You lied

Just two lovers asleep in the silence as I watched from the door
Just the weight of a heart as it's falling, nothing more

I remember your lips, I remember your eyes
And the taste of the kiss and your graceful goodbye
You lied

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Other Baez Joan song Lyrics
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  • Children and All That Jazz
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  • Simple Twist of Fate
    "They sat together in the park
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    He felt a spark tingle to his bones..."
  • Hello In There
    "We had an apartment in the city,
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    Well, it'd been years since the kids had grown,
    A life of their own left us alone...."
  • Jesse
    "Jesse come home, there's a hole in the bed
    Where we slept; now it's growing cold.
    Jesse your face, in the place where we lay
    By the hearth, all apart, it hangs on my heart..."
  • Blessed Are...
    "Blessed are the one-way ticket
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    Blessed are the midnight-riders
    For in the shadow of God they sleep..."
  • Suzanne
    "Suzzane takes you down
    To a place by the river.
    You can see the boats go by,
    You could spend the night forever...."
  • Love Song to a Stranger
    "How long since I've spent a whole night in a twin bed with a stranger
    His warm arms all around me?
    How long since I've gazed into dark eyes that melted my soul down
    To a place where it longs to be?..."

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