Baez Joan - Queen of Hearts Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> B>> Baez Joan Singer Lyrics>> Queen of Hearts Song Lyrics
Artist: Baez Joan
Baez Joan Author
Album: Queen of Hearts (1963)
Baez Joan - Queen of Hearts Album
Song Title: Queen of Hearts
Genre: Folk
Visits: 833
Print Version

To the queen of hearts is the ace of sorrow
He's here today, he's gone tomorrow
Young men are plenty but sweethearts few
If my love leaves me what shall I do?

Had I the store in yonder mountain
Where gold and silver is there for counting
I could not count for thought of thee
My eyes so full I could not see

I love my father, I love my mother
I love my sister, I love my brother
I love my friends and relatives too
I'll forsake them all and go with you

To the queen of hearts is the ace of sorrow
He's here today, he's gone tomorrow
Young men are plenty but sweethearts few
If my love leaves me what shall I do ?

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Other Baez Joan song Lyrics
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  • Simple Twist of Fate
    "They sat together in the park
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    She looked at him
    He felt a spark tingle to his bones..."
  • Hello In There
    "We had an apartment in the city,
    Me and Loretta liked living there.
    Well, it'd been years since the kids had grown,
    A life of their own left us alone...."
  • Jesse
    "Jesse come home, there's a hole in the bed
    Where we slept; now it's growing cold.
    Jesse your face, in the place where we lay
    By the hearth, all apart, it hangs on my heart..."
  • Blessed Are...
    "Blessed are the one-way ticket
    Holders on the one-way street
    Blessed are the midnight-riders
    For in the shadow of God they sleep..."
  • Suzanne
    "Suzzane takes you down
    To a place by the river.
    You can see the boats go by,
    You could spend the night forever...."
  • Love Song to a Stranger
    "How long since I've spent a whole night in a twin bed with a stranger
    His warm arms all around me?
    How long since I've gazed into dark eyes that melted my soul down
    To a place where it longs to be?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Queen of Hearts" album, click "Baez Joan Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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