Baha Men - Giddyup Lyrics

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Artist: Baha Men
Baha Men Author
Album: Move It Like This (2002)
Baha Men - Move It Like This Album
Song Title: Giddyup
Visits: 916
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Giddy up, hit um up, what part of party don't you understand

Let your body move just shake it up,
get yourself in motion I'll tell you what,
raise your Hands up high drop your hands down low,
just follow me now, cause it's time to go

Come on everybody, get it together,
don't wait forever, it's now or never

Giddy up saddle up, what part of party don't you understand,
work your body,
giddy up saddle up come on work your body like you know you can, come on work your body

Come on girl sweat, move with me come on girl sweat
What part of party don't you understand

Let me tell you bout this place I go to party,
it's a secret I can't keep so let me share,
all the ladies always fine the fellas groovy,
DJ's pumping we gonna dance the night away Yeah

So come on with me, this house is bumpin',
the music's pumpin', my heart is jumping

Giddy up, saddle up, what part of party don't you understand,
work your body
Giddy up, saddle up come on work your body like you know you can
Come on work your body

Come on girl sweat, move with me
Come on girl sweat groove with me

Giddy up saddle up or you can slip n' slide
Baby hold on tight and enjoy the ride girl don't be scared why you acting shy,
this is just a dream so help me fantasies
See you're the girl of my dreams that's without a doubt
I'm the one that will make you scream and shout
Let me take you to place have a party tonight
I'll do all the things, things you like

So get your saddle up and get yo ride on 'cause ain't no chicken player here tonight, a g is the one that get's down and has no fright and lyrically I be bustin' it right, and

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  • Best Years of Our Lives
    "I get such a thrill
    When you look in my eyes
    My heart skips a beat, girl
    I feel so alive..."
  • Break Away
    "It doesn't matter where we go as long as I'm with you
    Loving and holding you close
    So take my hand and leave your worries and your cares behind,
    let's fly away to paradise..."
  • Rich in Love
    "Well, well, well, well well, well, well
    Rich in love
    I said I'm rich in love
    Financially I'm a pauper..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Move It Like This" album, click "Baha Men Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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