Bahamadia - Beautiful Things Lyrics

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Artist: Bahamadia
Song Title: Beautiful Things
Visits: 881
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(Verse One)

Everytime I pick up a paper or turn on the tube a news flash

another youth passed school ground's a bloodbath

Politicians caught in sex scames

Major sports figures in and out of rehabs

Holy war with Jews and Arabs

Recalls and cutbacks feature story go to those who gay bash

Bolemic and anorexic actors and actresses swappin' secrets on their freakiest fetishses

Pedophile predators on the interent

Numerous reports of preteen sex

30 second updates on side effects of modern medicine

Rap veteren turn convicted felon

Domestic violence rate excellin'

embezzlement the deficit negligence

More serial killings gang related death still in existence

Mosquitoes dead crows and the viruses that they're inflicted

with road rage incidents it's sickenin'


Talk about beautiful things a little bit

Talk about beautiful things a little bit

Talk about beautiful things a little bit

Talk about beautiful things a little bit

(Verse Two)

Jon Benet Ramsey chaos mayhem

Tragedy koslovo victims

Third world country casualties

Phen Phen and Herbalife may not reduce calories

Corporate downsizin' cut wages and salaries rich men catchin bodies get away on technicality

Collogen injection lypo suction plastic surgery

Organized crime bosses depicted as marytars

Child care slaying underage baby aborters

Authorities do search and seize without court orders

Unlawful acts caught on camcorders

Pollutents in the water

Suicide manslaughter father preforming incest on his daughters

Drug lords combatting over street corners

Hit and run arson prey on senior citizens

Gossip columinists feed off lies and who be living 'em

Note to commentator while you at the poduim

present us wit some healthy options

(repeat hook)

(Verse Three)

Media slogan we uphold negative promotion

to pigeon hole attention of the weak and the hopeless

Tellin' lies through vision thinking no one is decodin' it

few who do will get descredited for even noticin

No wonder generation X remains emotionless

misinformed then entertained on ignorance by hyppocrites

Circultaing seediness validated by leadership whoses primary motive is to make the public more obedient

Everybody plays the fool

Sometimes the main ingredient used in ploy confirming what was stated previous

But if the anchor realizes his position is a gift

he'd truly honor what his mission is..

(Repeat Hook)

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