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Spinning Song Lyrics
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My sentiment will bore you senseles I know
But, I've got to tell you something
I want to be a satellite to your world
Spinning in the universe
When all the pleasures in heaven are yours
You can take what you want from me,
You got me spinning around you
You got me spinning around you
Look at me
I'm a bony bit of skinny confidence
But, that might be my photograph
>From the top of the highest peak you can watch, me
Spinning in the universe
When all the pleasures in heaven are yours
You can take what you want from me
You got me spinning around you
You got me spinning around you
My sentiment still bores you senseless I know
But, I've got to show you something I found
Here's a photo of an astronaut
And there's you, and me, spinning in the background
Ten million ways I've tried to get into heaven
But, they, always chase me out again
And god says I'm wasting my time
And he knows, I haven't got a lot of time
When all the pleasures in heaven are yours
You can take what you want from me
You got me spinning around you
You got me spinning around you
You got me spinning around you
You got me spinning around you
| Spinning Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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