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Other Baken Beans song Lyrics | BORING TIME "This was the time when I sat all alone in a room where no one has been there well a certain feeling hit me down my mind felt on the floor That situation returned to me which i knew before..." | DAVE "Hello guys my name is Dave, my parents think i must be saved, I drink, I stink and I never think, I?m real good punk I go my own way,..." | DRUGS ARE NO PHONE "These are the most senseless words that you?ve ever read and that you?ve ever heard But imagine there are worse things in our world..." | FREE WILLY "Saturday at 8 AM , I wake up from a loud scream, "Willy, Willy, come out fast, we must go the green forest"...." | HIPPIE PUNK "Love, peace, sex, drugs, and rock?n?roll long brown hair and big balls..." | I DONT WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND "I?'ve never touched your body I?'ve never felt your love but I saw you every day when you stood naked in the bath I tried to understand..." | INSIDE OF YOU "I?m a guy who?s interested in sexual affairs, my dick?s my friend, we love big tits and pubic hair, a beautiful black triangel between a woman?s legs and tender hands to scratch my balls inside their bags,..." | JUST A MAN "Any other day I make another fauxpas when girls cross my way to prove me wrong Then I try to bring out all my best things which I?ve ever had and again I try to be so smart..." | |
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