Ballard Russ - IN THE NIGHT Lyrics

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Artist: Ballard Russ
Ballard Russ Author
Album: Russ Ballard (1984)
Ballard Russ - Russ Ballard Album
Song Title: IN THE NIGHT
Genre: Rock
Visits: 916
Print Version

Two A.M. in the downtown street, there on a corner two strangers meet
In the night
And then until the daybreak, they're gonna love or then before light
A heart will break, there in the night

Look in the alley, along the road, there the losers stand
There in the rain they bide their time, hustling what they can
They bet just to get that bottle in their hand

There in the night, somewhere in the night
Oh, they do what they do, just to get through, there in the night

And on a street in the heart of town, the lady in black she turns around
In the night, yeah
She stares at the man in the Cadillac, he drives by but he'll be back, yeah
Before the light, there in the night

See the guy along the road, who can he be
Wait awhile he'll turn around, see the man is me
'Cos when I sleep I dream, dreams won't set me free

There in the night, somewhere in the night, yeah
Oh, we do what we do, just to get through, there in the night

When the sun goes down, there the night will wait
Then slowly move for the kill
If you would come back again, it would take away this pain
But I don't know if you ever will

There in the night, somewhere in the night
Oh, there in the night, somewhere in the night, yeah


Oh, there in the night, somewhere in the night
Oh, there in the night, somewhere in the night


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Other Ballard Russ song Lyrics
  • I Cant Hear You No More
    "First you break it up, but I knew you'd come running
    You'd wanna make it up, I can't hear you no more
    Now you know what it's like, and I can watch you begging
    Like I was begging to you, like I did before..."
  • Voices
    "If you could see my mind, if you really look deep, then maybe you'll find
    That somewhere there will be a place, hidden behind my comedian face
    You will find somewhere there's a house, and inside that house there's a room
    Locked in the room in the corner you see..."
    "I know it's late babe, but I got to talk to you
    No it can't wait babe, we got to talk it out now
    Your so called friends, they're trying to break us up
    They say that I'm cheating on you, that I can't allow..."
    "Since you been gone, I get the strangest dreams
    What's going on, in every one it seems
    You come to me, in slow motion, then you pledge your devotion
    Then I awake, I realize, you won't be coming back..."
    "Baby when I think about it, then I thought we had it made
    Like a fool I let you play two timer, but I'd be a bigger fool if I stayed
    Now I don't come running, hey girl ain't it strange
    I'm thunder, I'm lightning, 'cos I made the change..."
  • The Last Time
    "The streets from this blue window that I'm seeing through
    They shine with all the rain that's falling down
    It's late, put on your coat, the freeway is nearby
    I guess I'd better run you back to town..."
    "It's been too clear for so long, I knew that there was something going on
    Wanted to know what it's about, walked to your door, so we could talk it out
    And as I got to your door that night, what did I see through the bedroom light
    Two silhouettes, standing at the window..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Russ Ballard" album, click "Ballard Russ Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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