Bal-Sagoth - Blood Slakes The Sand At The Circus Maximus Lyrics

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Artist: Bal-Sagoth
Bal-Sagoth Author
Album: Battle Magic (1998)
Bal-Sagoth - Battle Magic Album
Song Title: Blood Slakes The Sand At The Circus Maximus
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 842
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[Thoughts of an Iceni gladiator, awaiting the opening of the arena portcullis:]

[Memories of rebellion (Carnage at Camulodunum):]

[Iceni Messenger:] Hearken! The Ninth Legion has been put to the sword! The
war-Chief of Queen Boudicca: Onwards to Camulodunum... wet your swords!
Redden the earth with Roman blood!

I remember the carnage at Camulodunum...
The glorious clash of Celtic sword against Roman gladius,
The pride in the eyes of our war-queen
As we hacked down the Imperial Eagle,
And the severed heads of centurions gaping atop our spears.

[Bloodshed and Battle: 61 AD (C.E.)]

They had gone too far, these invaders from the east, with their imperial eagle
which they dared to drive into our sacred soil... pompously claiming our
island as their own. They who marched across the world expanding their empire
all for the greater glory of their succession of debauched emperors, reclining
upon their ivory thrones in the heart of sweltering Rome. Aye, they had gone
too far... After their brutal annexation of our sovereign Iceni lands and the
vile rape of our Queen Boudicca's royal daughters, the Romans had the sown the
fields of carnage and they would reap a grim harvest of slaughter, without
doubt! They had enraged the Red Queen, and by the gods, they would pay!
We certainly taught the arrogant invading dogs a lesson, at any rate. The
omens and portents spoke of vast bloodshed and great carnage, and after our
slaughterous victories at Camulodunum (the Temple of Claudius burned
wonderfully!), Londinium and Verulanium, the cursed Romans finally dared to
meet us honourably upon the field of war at Mandeussedum. They sent fifteen
thousand legionaires, their armour gleaming like gold in the sun... but it

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  • The Empyreal Lexicon
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  • Callisto Rising
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  • Battle Magic
    "Sorcerers and shamans, weave your spells of war,
    Ensure our mighty sword-arms are the strongest and the quickest.
    Entwine us with great battle magic 'til we stand knee-deep in gore,
    And by all the gods, we'll ride to where the fray rages the thickest!..."
  • A Tale From The Deep Woods
    "The ravens are on the wing!
    The ravens are on the wing,
    By Offa's decree I am an outlaw,
    Branded wolfshead by my own king...."
  • Return To The Praesidium Of Ys
    "I was spawned deep beneath the Pre-Cambrian sea, the scion of a far distant
    sun... I have traversed the endless stars, and journeyed to a myriad
    galaxies... The dimensional gates of the multiverse are mine to voyage
    effortlessly beyond, Cosmic infinity is naught to one such as I... I am as one..."
  • Crystal Shards
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    Enraptured by bloodlust, and nine fire-gems ablaze,
    I am beckoned by sylph-spells and the jewelled sword a'gleam,
    As the great war-fleet of Ys sails the crystalline waves.

  • The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed...
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Battle Magic" album, click "Bal-Sagoth Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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