Bal-Sagoth - In The Raven-Haunted Forests Of Darkenhold Where Shadows Reign And T Lyrics

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Artist: Bal-Sagoth
Bal-Sagoth Author
Song Title: In The Raven-Haunted Forests Of Darkenhold Where Shadows Reign And T
Visits: 821
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The Words of the Forest-King on the Eve of the Nexus:

I am the immortal King of the Deep Woods,

Servitor of the Old Gods of the Forest...

I hear the whispered words of the trees...

Such ancient secrets they sing...

Swaying serpents ring my oak-hewn throne,

Night and shadow are my hunting dogs...

Ravenous, they howl to be unshackled,

That their maws may be glutted with the blood of my foes.

Raven's claw... tooth of the wolf

Ancient trees my brooding sentinels,

Gnarled branches clawing the nighted heavens.

Spirits who dwell in shadow, unfurl thy darkling wings...

Awaken, o' elder creatures of this sylvan realm,

Stalk once more this ebon-cloaked eve.

I hear the whispered words of the trees,

Such ancient secrets they sing...

I stand now at the anvil,

Adamantine hammer in my hand,

In thunder-song the steel I smite,

A clarion heard throughout this land.

(Yawning wide beneath me...) the jaws of the worm...

(hearken, the spell is woven...) the call of the worm...

Raven's claw... tooth of the wolf

Ablaze upon the Altar of Stone,

The Sigil of An-rayuth, the summoning!

Folk of the Mist, Dwellers in Shadow,

The thrice-blessed wand of the Wood-Gods is beckoning!

At the aeon-swathed Shrine of the Oak I kneel,

O' Oracle of the Great Forest, hear me this night...

[The Sylvan Oracle Speaks:]

Thegodsoftheearthandskyarewatching, the circle is nigh on

complete...thenexusis at hand. But hearken... for a new enemy approaches

fromtheeast...anenemywhohide their poisoned blades behind words of

falsehoodsweetenedwiththeichorsofcarrion, to bind men's minds with

fettersofdeceit.Speaknow,o'LiegeoftheDeepWoods,Master of

Darkenhold, and the enemy shall hear you...

[The Forest-King:]

Yes... I behold now the face of the encroaching foe... Hear my oath! You,

cladingleamingrobesofsparklingsaffron,engorged with the mindless

adorationofcountlessthrallswhobendthe knee in flaccid obeisance...

'neath thine vestments hides the ra nk stench of leprous corruption! Bring not

thine cursed icons into my ancient realm... your words of untruth shall not be

heardhere!My steel is honed and thirsting for your life-ichors... aye, and

with my dying breath I'll spit defiance in your face!

Upon my great throne hewn of ancient oak I brood...

My mantle, the leaves stirred by the whispering of the winds.

The elder gods of the Deep Woods gaze grimly down upon me...

My blood courses through the trees and the earth...

And I watch in silence, ebon-eyed and raven-winged.

From every bough of my kingdom...

[The Lament of the Trees:]

Can you not remember? Have you forgotten the magic?

Sing to us your spells once more, and the ancient forest shall dance to your


[The Forest-King:]

I stand now at the anvil,

Adamantine hammer in my hand,

In thunder-song the steel I smite,

A clarion heard throughout this land.

Can you not see the coils of the worm all about you?

Can you not hear the writhing of the worm beneath you?

Can you not scent the breath of the worm riding the wind?

Can you not touch the skin of the worm in all that surrounds you?

Can you not taste the ichors of the worm upon your tongue?

Do dreams of the worm not haunt your slumber?

[The Forest-King:]

I hear the whispered words of the trees,

Such ancient secrets they sing...

[Lyrics: Byron]

[Music: Jonny and Chris Maudling]

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