Bambee - Spaceman Lyrics

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Artist: Bambee
Song Title: Spaceman
Visits: 1166
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Dam dam di da di da di, dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di, dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di

Spaceman spaceman take me away
And let's fly into the Milky Way
Spaceman spaceman waiting for you
And let's fly away into the blue

Take me out tonight under the star so bright
I wanna see your rocket
Fly into the space to a far galactic place
Where you know how to rock it

Flying out to the combat zone
Fighting all alone
Boy have I got a treat for you
When you're coming back home

Spaceman spaceman take me away
And let's fly into the Milky Way
Spaceman spaceman waiting for you
And let's fly away into the blue

Dam dam di da di da di, dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di, you are my spaceman!
Dam dam di da di da di, dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di

What you gonna say, if I ask you can I play
With your ammunition
Fly and fight a war, like you never seen before
It is time for ignition

Flying out to the combat zone
Fighting all alone
Boy have I got a treat for you
When you're coming back home

Spaceman spaceman take me away
And let's fly into the Milky Way
Spaceman spaceman waiting for you
And let's fly away into the blue

Dam dam di da di da di, dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di, you are my spaceman!
Dam dam di da di da di, dam di da di da di
Dam dam di da di da di, you are my spaceman!

Spaceman, spaceman!
Spaceman, spaceman!

Spaceman spaceman take me away
And let's fly into the Milky Way
Spaceman spaceman waiting for you
And let's fly away into the blue

Spaceman spaceman take me away
And let's fly into the Milky Way
Spaceman spaceman waiting for you
And let's fly away into the blue

Spaceman, spaceman!

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Other Bambee song Lyrics
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  • Baby Baby
    "Baby baby, I love you
    Come home and give my heart back
    Baby baby, I need you
    It doesn't have to be like that..."
  • Bam Bam Bam
    "Bam bam bam
    I can hear your heart beat
    Bam bam bam
    Everybody move your feet..."
  • Boom Digi Da
    "Boom digi da di boom digi da di
    Boom digi da di de di da
    Boom digi da di de di da
    Are you ready for the big big party time..."
  • Bumble Bee
    "Oh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-o
    Oh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-o
    Sweet little bumble bee
    I know what you want from me..."
  • Cow Girl
    "I'm a cow girl
    Bang bi-doo bang
    People say that I'm a bad girl
    And I enjoy it all the time..."
  • Cowgirl
    "I'm a cowgirl! - Bang dum bang
    I'm a cowgirl! - Bang dum bang
    People say that I'm a bad girl
    And I enjoy it all the time..."
  • Dr. Doolittle
    "I had a cold
    He came to me, and he made some tea, oooh
    My heart was sold
    To a man in white, he is mr. Right..."

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