Bananafishbones - A Gentlemans Excuse Me Lyrics

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Artist: Bananafishbones
Song Title: A Gentlemans Excuse Me
Visits: 786
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Do you still keep paper flowers
In the bottom-drawer with your belgian lace
Taking them out every year
To watch the colours fade away

Do you still believe in fairy tales
In battlements of shiny castles
Safe from the dragons
That lie beneath the hill

Are you still a Russian princes
Rescued by a gipsy-dancer
To anyone who'll listen
Is that a story you still tell

You live a life of fantasy
Your diary romantic fiction
Can't you see it's hard for me
Can you see what I'm trying to say

It's a gentleman's excuse me
So I'll take one step to the side
Can you get it inside your head
I'm tired of dancing

For every one step forward
We're taking two steps back
Can you get it inside your head
I'm tired of dancing

I know you still like Oldfashioned waltzes
Your reflection in the mirror that you flirt with
As you glide across the floor
But if I told you the music's over
Would you want to hear
That your dance card is empty
That there's no-one really there

Do you still believe in Santa Claus
There's a milionaire looking for your front door
With the key to a life
That you'd never understand

And all I have to offer
Is the love I have, it's freely given
You'll see it's value
When you see what I'm trying to say

It's a gentleman's excuse me
So I'll take one step to the side
Can you get it inside your head
I'm tired of dancing

For every one step forward
There's no turning back
Can you get it inside your head
I'm tired of dancing

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  • Come Sin
    "Sun, all our dreams are dreams of fun handing out thewatergunshoot me and I'll drink you into the shade I'll shrink youfinally we're done and stare up into theSky, flat on our backs we lie in quicksand slowly my handflies up and away with the yellow bird driven by
    Wind, I think I'll come to sin with all this heaty windy skinaround my neck and what glory the sand in my pantsreminds me of DoreenSand, we cannot fight getting tannedall the limits banned into the nightflight's right no fightthere goes the sun into the the nightlife Yeah
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  • Come To Sin
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    shoot me and I'll drink you into the shade I'll shrink you
    finally we're done and stare up into the..."
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