Band - The River Hymn Lyrics

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Artist: Band
Song Title: The River Hymn
Visits: 821
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(the | means a new measure and the / means the bass note on the current chord.)

[piano intro slow gospel thang]

Starts 3/4

Improv/no time
F |bb |f/c |d- |d- /d /e |
The ladies would put the baskets on the table
F |bb/c |d- |g- / f/a
And the men would sit beneath a shady tree
|bb |f/c |d- |d-/c |
The children would listen to a fable
Bb |a- |4/4 g7 |/ | meter
While something else came through to me
|f bb |f/c bb/d |f bb |f/c bb/d
The river got no end, just roll around the bend
|f bb |f/c bb |f |bb
Then pretty soon the women would all join in
|f |f
On the river hymn...

|c/g /e |/c / |f/a / |f/f / |
The whole congregation was standing on the banks of the river
C/g /e |/c / |f/a |c |f
We are gathered here to give a little thanks thanks

|3/4 bb |f/c |d- |d- /d /e |
The voice of the rapids will echo
F |bb/c |d- |g- / f/a |
And ricochet like an old water well
Bb |f/c |d- |d-/c |
Who d ever want to let go
Bb |a- |4/4 g7 |/ | meter
Once you sit beneath its spell
|f bb |f/c bb/d |f bb |f/c bb/d
It's dark and wide and deep, towards the sea it creeps
|f bb |f/c bb |f |bb
I'm so glad i brought along my mandolin
|f |f d |
To play the river hymn...

G |g c |
You can ride on it or drink it
F |/ / g g/b |
Poison it or dam it
C |/ / f f/a |
Fish in it and wash in it
Bb |c
Swim in it and you can die in it
|f |c |f ||
Run, you river, run

3/4 bb |f/c |d- |d- /d /e |
Son, you ain't never seen yourself
F |bb/c |d- |g- / f/a |
No crystal mirror can show it clear, come over here instead
Bb |f/c |d- |d-/c |
Son, you ain't never eased yourself
Bb |a- |4/4 g7 |/ | meter
Til you laid it down in a river bed
|f bb |f/c bb/d |f bb |f/c bb/d
If you hear a lonesome drone, it's as common as a stone
|f bb |f/c bb |f |bb
And gets louder as the day grows dim
|f |f
That's the river hymn...
|c/g /e |/c / |f/a / |f/f / |
The whole congregation was standing on the banks of the river
C/g /e |/c / |f/a |c ||f |f ||
We are gathered here to give a little thanks thanks

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