Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) - Im Sorry Lyrics

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Artist: Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N)
Song Title: Im Sorry
Visits: 709
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Lyrics: g. gross, c. capek
Music: g. gross, c. capek, g. raschke

I'm sorry about the man on the street with no place to sleep,
Beggin' for small change and something to eat,
And i'm sorry about the people who walk by with shame in their eyes,
And still they're too greedy to spare one dime.

I'm sorry about the people who think that they deserve more than others,
That their life is worth more than others',
I'm sorry for the kids looking for someone to help them
And not just to yell at them.

And i'm sorry that life isn't always what we ask for
And i'm sorry that some always have less an some have more,
I'm sorry about the feelings i hurt in you,
But feelings just change.

And in the end (oh, i'm sorry)
Why can't it just be the way that we want it to be
In the end (oh, i'm sorry)
Why can't we all stand up and all hold hands
(i'm sorry)
Why can't it just be the way that we want it to be
In the end (oh, i'm sorry)

I'm sorry about the kids whose parents have gone
And now we tell them, find your own way and just hold on,
I'm sorry about these endless discussions about war,
Skin color, sex, religion and more,

I'm sorry about the way we treat each other sometimes,
Or is it too much to ask that we help people and be kind?
Sorry that the weather's not always right
We deserve bright sunshine in our souls and our lives

Sorry that life isn't always what we ask for
And i'm sorry that some always have less an some have more,
I'm sorry about the feelings i hurt in you,
But feelings just change.

Refrain 2 x

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Other Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) song Lyrics
  • Band Ohne Namen (BON)-Knockinampacute
    "Ich weiss genau, wie oft du auf mich gewartet hast,
    Aktion um aktion gestartet hast,
    Dass unsere liebe endlich stimmt, beginnt,
    Neue formen anzunehmen und jeder gewinnt...."
  • Band Ohne Namen (BON)-Knockin
    "Ich weiss genau, wie oft Du auf mich gewartet hast,
    Aktion um Aktion gestartet hast,
    Dass unsere Liebe endlich stimmt, beginnt,
    Neue Formen anzunehmen und jeder gewinnt...."
  • Band Ohne Namen (BON)-Schampoumlne Neue Welt
    "Stell dir vor, dass alle menschen gut sind und sich jeder versteht,
    Jeder seines nächsten eigentum ist und du nie allein bist.
    Entscheidungen musst du nicht treffen, nein, nein,
    Denn befehle befolgen ist einfach, es will nur gelernt sein...."
  • Boys (germany Version)
    "Mädchen, habt ihr schon mal nachgedacht,
    Was passiert, wenn ihr ´nen jungen anlacht,
    Wie er den tag und die folgende nacht
    War das nur ein versehen oder meint sie mich?..."
  • Boys
    "Hey girls, have you ever thought about
    About all of those little doubts
    That keep comin' up in a boy's mind
    When you just smile,..."
  • Can You Mend A Broken Heart? (germany Version)
    "Komm, lass mich dir erzählen von den dingen, die mich quälen,
    Von den frauen und gefhlen, die mir fehlen,
    Denn jedesmal, wenn ich mich verliebt hab´, war ich so offen,
    Hatte keinen panzer, und dann wurd´ ich getroffen...."
  • Can You Mend A Broken Heart?
    "Now let me tell you 'bout my life and the girls within,
    And how i always seemed to go the wrong way and couldn't win
    And don't grin, 'cause i can see that you're a beautiful girl
    And that you're tellin' me that you wanna share my world...."
  • Cheatin On Me
    "You think that you're a hotshot lady drivin' everybody crazy
    And the problem with it is that you're right, so baby maybe
    Can you tell me if you're just a friend lookin' for someone to talk to
    Or a lover to walk to...."

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