Band Rollins - The End Of Something Lyrics

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Artist: Band Rollins
Band Rollins Author
Song Title: The End Of Something
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 813
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I don't step on witches when they crawl across my floor
And if I saw your body burning in the street, I'd put you out
With gasoline
And when the garbage piles up past my knees, and the rats are running free
I'll say we're even
And you'll know that it's the end of something

Touch your fear, don't be afraid
Touch your fear, don't be afraid
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid
It's the end of something

The tears from your eyes that you cried have dried
And theres nothing left to say
And when you see that the time we spent together meant nothing
And you couldn't make me stay
Remember me, and my eyes, and how they saw you
Remember me, and my voice, and what I said

It's over, and now there's nothing
Oh it's the end, the end of something

Touch your fear, don't be afraid
Touch your fear, don't be afraid
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid
It's just the end of something

It's so cold
It's the end, it's the end
It's so cold

The laughter has died away, and now I see
The joke was on me
The cold winds are blowing through my close
And I've got noone, nothing, nowhere to go
My flesh is pulling tight against my bones
And I'm thinking ""Man, you'd be better off stoned""
But I know, yes I know, oh I know
This is the end of something

Touch your fear, don't be afraid
Touch your fear, don't be afraid
Touch your fear, touch your fear, touch your fear, touch your fear
It's just the end of something

It's so cold
It's the end of something
Don't be afraid, don't be afrai

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Other Band Rollins song Lyrics
  • Disconnect
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    It makes me think too much
    It keeps my mind on my mind
    Dont want to see too much..."
  • Fool
    "I should have seen my end coming from a long way off
    don't get caught but I went right ahead and told myself
    a pack of lies and spend night after hammered night
    getting back my mind..."
  • Icon
    "all eyes turned up to the hero, charismatic icon animal man
    lyrical visionary caught in the spotlight
    the more you make the more you get it right, right?
    oh nothing can stop you and no one can bring you down..."
  • Civilized
    "I'm sitting in my roo in your prison doin' time
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    standing on the corner with nothing in your head
    shirt on your back and a gun in your pants..."
  • Liar
    "you think you're gonna to live your life alone
    in darkness
    and seclusion
    yeah I know..."
  • Step Back
    "you're so fuckin' weak, you disgust me! It's a drag when you bring me
    and all the things that you say, no one cares anyway
    but then you've gotta deal with me......"
  • Volume 4
    "I spend time, searching my mind, walking blindly
    I'm a live but I don't know why my thoughts threat me
    Paranoia, fear and guilt, I hope I don't explode
    I'm a bomb that ya can't diffuse,..."
  • Tired
    "I'm so tired of myself
    I'm so tired in my sleep
    I'm so tired of my lies
    I'm so tired of all the secrets I keep..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Come in and Burn" album, click "Band Rollins Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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