Bang Tango - Someone Like You Lyrics

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Artist: Bang Tango
Bang Tango Author
Album: Untied and Live (1999)
Bang Tango - Untied and Live Album
Song Title: Someone Like You
Visits: 923
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wrapped up in this world of anger
there's no second chance out of here
nail tight your eyes now, honey
because I know just what you fear
well, I've seen it all before
and it all comes back to me
well I see your face now, honey
and I know just where you've been
with someone, someone well there's
someone just like you
oh I need someone
to take away the blue
somone, well there's someone just like you
oh I need someone to take away the blue
clinch your fist oh so tight
and kick down anything in your way
spit your words right out now
becase you ain't got a thing to say
well I've seen you walk away
but I don't know where you go
and I see your lying eyes
but you ain't gotta a thing to show for
someone, someone, well there's
someoen just like you you
oh I need someone
to take away the blue
someone, well there's someone just like you
oh I need someone
to take away the blue
well I've seen you walking
through the night
well I hear you say
you're sick and tired
well I've hear you kick before
and I've heard you cry for more
I've watched you walking out
but you're back
jump back
I need someone
I need someone just like you


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  • Im A Stranger
    "Such a strange uneasy feeling
    Got no place to go
    Feeling down my feet stopped kickin?
    Think it's time to blow..."
  • Love Injection
    "I know why you're feeling so sad
    I see that tear in your eye
    you look, but just can't have it
    well, I know there's a reason why..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Untied and Live" album, click "Bang Tango Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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