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Banks Tony Singer Lyrics>>
Hero For An Hour Song Lyrics
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Other Banks Tony song Lyrics | This Is Love "Here am I, lost in a world behind me, All alone, just like before you found me. Now I stare out on the traffic in the city, Even in the dark,..." | Man Of Spells "In shadowy holes, the light disappears, Evening is with us now, And all around begins the movement, The many creatures of the night prepare...." | And The Wheels Keep Turning "And the wheels keep turning, all the time, But there's no pounding or purring, not a sound, Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them down...." | Say Youll Never Leave Me "On a cold clear night in November, All the people have gone to bed. We found ourselves upon a cliff edge, Looking out to sea...." | By You "As I step inside the street sound, A growl of thunder turns my head round, I see one face in the crowd; Like a beacon in the rain..." | At The Edge Of Night "In fading starlight, creeping gloom, At the edge of night, I dream inside this half-lit room. It's gonna be alright...." | Moving Under "Into the night, but out of the dark, To be cornered and yet to survive. The jester performed, with his body he scorned, With his voice he amused, and a little confused..." | K2 "You and me, we got to go somewhere, Somewhere where there's air to breathe, Even though we can't see daylight, Somehow we can feel the breeze, oh no,..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Still" album, click "Banks Tony Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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