Barbra Streisand - Queen Bee Lyrics
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Barbra Streisand Singer Lyrics
Queen Bee Song Lyrics
Barbra Streisand
A Star Is Born (1976)
Song Title:
Queen Bee
Print Version
The Black Black Widow is sittin' in the middle
of the web that the fly she seeks
You may be her lover but you never will recover
cuz she aint hade a bite for weeks.
You think your the same cuz you got the same name
But the widow has a morbid home.
Remember what I told you
she's got eight arms to hold ya
and she 's never gonna let you go.
She'll tuck you into bed
Contract on your head
then she'll wrap you as a midnight snack.
So if you see a spider
don't you saddle up beside her
why do you think the widow's wearing black?
Jack (ou!)
The Queen bee baby
Pray that your name be left on your own
uh huh
How could she give you
gonna out live you
but thequeen bee's never gonna be alone
uh huh....
Long before Atlantis there has been a praying mantis
and you know why he's on his knees
He may have a legend
but he's just a sittin pigeon
If a woman starts to tease
He won't even quiver if she has a little liver
Longest neck but a way to go
Know youve really done it you 've been messin with a hornet
she's a blue blooded wasp you know
and just as you do it she'll inject you with a fluid
You'll meet on the plane
not even first rate she's gonna flute to to a seventh sun.
The Queen bee baby
Pray that your name be left on your own own own own own own own
How could she give you
gonna out live you
but thequeen bee's never gonna be alone
uh huh....uh huh....
in conclusion it's an optical illusion
if you think with a weaker race.
Men got the muscle but theladies got the hustle
and the truth is stairing in your face.
It's so frustrating when your really into mating
and there isn't a loving man around.
who wrote the story.
It's so frustrating when your really into mating
and there isn't a loving man around.
It's so frustrating when your really into mating
and there isn't a loving man around.
Baby i swear
write me a sequel give me an equal
oh and i'll give that man
i said i'm gonna give that loving man
i said i'm gonna give that loving man
i said i'm gonna give that loving sting.........
Queen Bee Lyrics
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Other Barbra Streisand song Lyrics
Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home
"Free and easy
That's my style
Howdy-do me?
Watch me smile..."
Keepin Out of Mischief Now
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I really am in love and how
I'm through playin' with fire
It's you whom i desire..."
Lover, Come Back to Me
"Sky was blue and high above
The moon was new, so was love
This eager heart of mine was singing
Lover, where can you be..."
I Stayed Too Long At The Fair
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Have i stayed too long at the fair?
I wanted the clown to be constantly clever
Have i stayed too long at the fair?..."
My Honeys Loving Arms
"I love your loving arms
They hold a world of charms
A place to nestle
When i am lonely..."
Soon Its Gonna Rain
"Hear how the wind begins to whisper
See how the leaves go streaming by
Smell how the velvet rain is falling
Out where the fields are warm and dry..."
When The Sun Comes Out
"When the sun comes out
And the rain stops beating on my window pane
When the sun comes out
There'll be blue birds 'round my door..."
Much More
"much more
I'd like to swim
In a clear blue stream
Where the water is icy cold..."
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